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Receptors, Mineralocorticoid
"Molecular basis of mineralocorticoid receptor action in the nervous system" (2013) Molinari, A.M.;Machado-Rada, M.Y.;Mazaira, G.I. (...)Galigniana, M.D. CNS and Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets. 12(8):1163-1174
"The hsp90-FKBP52 complex links the mineralocorticoid receptor to motor proteins and persists bound to the receptor in early nuclear events" (2010) Galigniana, M.D.;Erlejman, A.G.;Monte, M. (...)Piwien-Pilipuk, G. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 30(5):1285-1298
"Evidence for NL1-independent nuclear translocation of the mineralocorticoid receptor" (2007) Pilipuk, G.P.; Vinson, G.P.; Sanchez, C.G.; Galigniana, M.D. Biochemistry. 46(5):1389-1397
"Molecular mechanism of activation and nuclear translocation of the mineralocorticoid receptor upon binding of pregnanesteroids" (2004) Galigniana, M.D.;Pilipuk, G.P.;Kanelakis, K.C. (...)Lantos, C.P. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 217(1-2):167-179
"Correlation between pregnanesteroid conformation, receptor affinity, and anti-natriuretic effect" (2002) Piwien-Pilipuk, G.; Kanelakis, K.C.; Galigniana, M.D. European Journal of Pharmacology. 454(2-3):131-143
"Activity of renal 11 βhydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2 (11 βhsd2) in stressed animals" (1999) Igarreta, P.; Calvo, J.C.; Damasco, M.C. Life Sciences. 64(24):2285-2290
"Tautomycin inhibits phosphatase-dependent transformation of the rat kidney mineralocorticoid receptor" (1998) Piwien-Pilipuk, G.; Galigniana, M.D. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 144(1-2):119-130
"Features of the shuttle pair 11β-hydroxyprogesterone-11- ketoprogesterone" (1997) Galigniana, M.D.; Vicent, G.P.; Burton, G.; Lantos, C.P. Steroids. 62(4):358-364
"Physiological, biochemical and molecular mechanisms of salt appetite control by mineralocorticoid action in brain" (1992) De Nicola, A.F.; Grillo, C.; Gonzalez, S. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research. 25(12):1153-1162