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oxygen tension
"Revisiting direct electron transfer in nanostructured carbon laccase oxygen cathodes" (2016) Adam, C.;Scodeller, P.;Grattieri, M. (...)Calvo, E.J. Bioelectrochemistry. 109:101-107
"The shrimp mitochondrial FoF1-ATPase inhibitory factor 1 (IF1)" (2015) Chimeo, C.;Fernandez-Gimenez, A.V.;Campanella, M. (...)Muhlia-Almazan, A. Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes. 47(5):383-393
"Oxygen radical formation in anoxic transgression and anoxia-reoxygenation: Foe or phantom? Experiments with a hypoxia tolerant bivalve" (2013) Rivera-Ingraham, G.A.; Rocchetta, I.; Meyer, S.; Abele, D. Marine Environmental Research. 92:110-119
"Anr, the anaerobic global regulator, modulates the redox state and oxidative stress resistance in pseudomonas extremaustralis" (2013) Tribelli, P.M.; Nikel, P.I.; Oppezzo, O.J.; López, N.I. Microbiology (United Kingdom). 159(2):259-268
"The NtrY/X two-component system of Brucella spp. acts as a redox sensor and regulates the expression of nitrogen respiration enzymes" (2012) Carrica, M.C.;Fernandez, I.;Martí, M.A. (...)Goldbaum, F.A. Molecular Microbiology. 85(1):39-50
"Layer-by-layer self-assembled osmium polymer-mediated laccase oxygen cathodes for biofuel cells: The role of hydrogen peroxide" (2010) Scodeller, P.;Carballo, R.;Szamocki, R. (...)Calvo, E.J. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 132(32):11132-11140
"Central role of the oxygen-dependent degradation domain of Drosophila HIFα/Sima in oxygen-dependent nuclear export" (2009) Irisarri, M.;Lavista-Llanos, S.;Romero, N.M. (...)Wappner, P. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 20(17):3878-3887
"Cloning of hif-1α and hif-2α and mRNA expression pattern during development in zebrafish" (2007) Rojas, D.A.;Perez-Munizaga, D.A.;Centanin, L. (...)Reyes, A.E. Gene Expression Patterns. 7(3):339-345