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"Isolation and Antifouling Activity of Azulene Derivatives from the Antarctic Gorgonian Acanthogorgia laxa" (2018) Patiño Cano, L.P.;Quintana Manfredi, R.;Pérez, M. (...)Palermo, J.A. Chemistry and Biodiversity. 15(1)
"Isolation and Antifouling Activity of Azulene Derivatives from the Antarctic Gorgonian Acanthogorgia laxa" (2018) Patiño Cano, L.P.;Quintana Manfredi, R.;Pérez, M. (...)Palermo, J.A. Chemistry and Biodiversity. 15(1)
"Namuncurá Marine Protected Area: an oceanic hot spot of benthic biodiversity at Burdwood Bank, Argentina" (2016) Schejter, L.;Rimondino, C.;Chiesa, I. (...)Bremec, C.S. Polar Biology. 39(12):2373-2386
"Development and characterization of activated hydrochars from orange peels as potential adsorbents for emerging organic contaminants" (2015) Fernandez, M.E.;Ledesma, B.;Román, S. (...)Cukierman, A.L. Bioresource Technology. 183:221-228
"Polyoxygenated steroids from the octocoral leptogorgia punicea and in vitro evaluation of their cytotoxic activity" (2014) Moritz, M.I.G.;Marostica, L.L.;Bianco, É.M. (...)Schenkel, E.P. Marine Drugs. 12(12):5864-5880
"Polyoxygenated steroids from the octocoral leptogorgia punicea and in vitro evaluation of their cytotoxic activity" (2014) Moritz, M.I.G.;Marostica, L.L.;Bianco, É.M. (...)Schenkel, E.P. Marine Drugs. 12(12):5864-5880
"A new vermiform sea anemone (Anthozoa: Actiniaria) from Argentina: Harenactis argentina sp. nov." (2011) Lauretta, D.; Rodríguez, E.; Penchaszadeh, P.E. Zootaxa(3027):9-18
"A new vermiform sea anemone (Anthozoa: Actiniaria) from Argentina: Harenactis argentina sp. nov." (2011) Lauretta, D.; Rodríguez, E.; Penchaszadeh, P.E. Zootaxa(3027):9-18
"Post-mortem and symbiotic sabellid and serpulid-coral associations from the lower cretaceous of Argentina" (2011) Garberoglio, R.M.; Lazo, D.G. Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia. 14(3):215-228
"Dolabellane diterpenoids from the south atlantic gorgonian convexella magelhaenica" (2010) Rojo De Almeida, M.T.;Siless, G.E.;Perez, C.D. (...)Palermo, J.A. Journal of Natural Products. 73(10):1714-1717
"Dolabellane diterpenoids from the south atlantic gorgonian convexella magelhaenica" (2010) Rojo De Almeida, M.T.;Siless, G.E.;Perez, C.D. (...)Palermo, J.A. Journal of Natural Products. 73(10):1714-1717
"Oxfordian reef architecture of the La Manga Formation, Neuquén Basin, Mendoza Province, Argentina" (2009) Palma, R.M.; Kietzmann, D.A.; Adamonis, S.; Gómez, J.L. Sedimentary Geology. 221(1-4):127-140
"Patch reefs facies in the Picún Leufú Formation (Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary) in the Zapala region, Neuquén Basin, Argentina " (2008) Armella, C.; Cabaleri, N.; Leanza, H.A. Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, Nueva Serie(1):63-70
"Palaeosalinity variations in the Early Cretaceous of the Neuquén Basin, Argentina: Evidence from oxygen isotopes and palaeoecological analysis" (2008) Lazo, D.G.;Aguirre-Urreta, M.B.;Price, G.D. (...)Ogle, N. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 260(3-4):477-493
"New C-secosteroids from the gorgonian Tripalea clavaria" (2007) Rodríguez Brasco, M.F.; Genzano, G.N.; Palermo, J.A. Steroids. 72(14):908-913
"Subtropical carbonates from the Callovian Calabozo Formation, and their diagenesis, Neuquen Basin, Mendoza province " (2007) Palma, R.M.; Mehdli, M.; Bressan, G.S.; Kietzmann, D.A. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 62(2)
"Massive corals in Paleocene siliciclastic sediments of Chubut (Argentina)" (2005) Kiessling, W.;Aragón, E.;Scasso, R. (...)Fracchia, D. Facies. 51(1-4):233-241
"High frequency subtidal-peritidal cycles of the Callovian Calabozo Formation (Neuquén Basin, Western Argentina): Preliminary approach" (2005) Palma, R.M.; Lo Forte, G.L.; Medhli, M.; Piethé, R.D. Geologica Acta. 3(2):119-132
"Lithofacies, palaeoecology and palaeoenvironments of the Agrio Formation, Lower Cretaceous of the Neuquén Basin, Argentina" (2005) Lazo, D.G.; Cichowolski, M.; Rodríguez, D.L.; Aguirre-Urreta, M.B. Geological Society Special Publication. 252:295-315
"The Triassic/Jurassic boundary in the Andes of Argentina" (2004) Riccardi, A.C.; Damborenea, S.E.; Mancenido, M.O.; Iglesia Llanos, M.P. Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia. 110(1):69-76
"Benthic faunal associations on soft substrates at Potter Cove, King George Island, Antarctica" (1998) Sahade, R.;Tatián, M.;Kowalke, J. (...)Esnal, G.B. Polar Biology. 19(2):85-91