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"Hybrid adaptive control for UAV data collection: A simulation-based design to trade-off resources between stability and communication" (2018) Marcosig, E.P.;Giribet, J.I.;Castro, R. (...)AnyLogic Company; et al.; IDEA FUSION; Modeling, Simulation and Visualization Engineering; Old Dominion University; Simio 2017 Winter Simulation Conference, WSC 2017:1704-1715
"Antenna coupling model in receiving mode" (2016) Amado, J.; Fano, G. 2016 IEEE Global Electromagnetic Compatibility Conference, GEMCCON 2016
"Printed logoperiodic antenna" (2016) Schlesinger, P.L.;Valdez, A.D.;Miranda, C.A. (...)Bava, J.A. 16th Workshop on Information Processing and Control, RPIC 2015
"A branch-and-cut algorithm for the minimum-adjacency vertex coloring problem" (2011) Delle Donne, D.; Marenco, J. Discrete Optimization. 8(4):540-554
"Analytical modeling of compound metallic reflection gratings" (2011) Medina, F.; Mesa, F.; Skigin, D.C. 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, APSURSI 2011:96
"New insights on Titan's plasma-driven Schumann resonance inferred from Huygens and Cassini data" (2009) Béghin, C.;Canu, P.;Karkoschka, E. (...)Simões, F. Planetary and Space Science. 57(14-15):1872-1888
"Photonic band gap materials comprising positive-phase-velocity and negative-phase-velocity layers in waveguides" (2009) Gómez, A.; Martínez Ricci, M.L.; Depine, R.A.; Lakhtakia, A. Journal of Modern Optics. 56(15):1688-1697
"10000 times volume reduction for fluorescence correlation spectroscopy using nano-antennas" (2008) Estrada, L.C.; Aramendía, P.F.; Martínez, O.E. Optics Express. 16(25):20597-20602
"Phase resonances in compound metallic gratings" (2003) Skigin, D.C.; Fantino, Á.N.; Grosz, S.I. 19th Congress of the International Commisssion for Optics Optics for the Quality of Life. 4829 I:259-260