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"Protein phosphatases type 2A mediate tuberization signaling in Solanum tuberosum L. leaves" (2010) País, S.M.; García, M.N.M.; Téllez-Iñón, M.T.; Capiati, D.A. Planta. 232(1):37-49
"Genomic and functional characterization of StCDPK1" (2009) Gargantini, P.R.;Giammaria, V.;Grandellis, C. (...)Ulloa, R.M. Plant Molecular Biology. 70(1-2):153-172
"Regulation of CDPK isoforms during tuber development" (2003) Raíces, M.;Gargantini, P.R.;Chinchilla, D. (...)Ulloa, R.M. Plant Molecular Biology. 52(5):1011-1024
"Molecular characterization of StCDPK1, a calcium-dependent protein kinase from Solanum tuberosum that is induced at the onset of tuber development" (2001) Raiíces, M.; Chico, J.M.; Téllez-Iñón, M.T.; Ulloa, R.M. Plant Molecular Biology. 46(5):591-601
"Protein kinase activity in different stages of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) microtuberization" (1997) Ulloa, R.M.;Mac Intosh, G.C.;Melchiorre, M. (...)Téllez-Iñón, M.T. Plant Cell Reports. 16(6):426-429