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thyroxine blood level
"Thyroid status modulates T lymphoma growth via cell cycle regulatory proteins and angiogenesis" (2014) Sterle, H.A.;Valli, E.;Cayrol, F. (...)Barreiro Arcos, M.L. Journal of Endocrinology. 222(2):243-255
"Clinical characteristics and therapeutic responses in patients with germ-line AIP mutations and pituitary adenomas: An international collaborative study" (2010) Daly, A.F.;Tichomirowa, M.A.;Petrossians, P. (...)Beckers, A. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 95(11):E373-E383
"Hepatic indices of thyroid status in rats treated with hexachlorobenzene" (1995) de Pisarev, D.L.K.; de Sancovich, A.M.F.; Sancovich, H.A. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation. 18(4):271-276
"Effect of thyroidectomy and thyroxine on hexachlorobenzene induced porphyria" (1994) Sopena de Kracoff, Y.E.; Ferramola de Sancovich, A.M.; Sancovich, H.A.; de Pisarev, D.L.K. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation. 17(5):301-305
"Thyroid function and thyroxine metabolism in hexachlorobenzene-induced porphyria" (1990) Kleiman De Pisarev, D.L.; Del Carmen Rios De Molina, M.; San Martin De Viale, L.C. Biochemical Pharmacology. 39(5):817-825