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Sea surface temperature (SST)
"State of the climate in 2016" (2017) Aaron-Morrison, A.P. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 98(8):Si-S280
"State of the climate in 2015" (2016) Multitudinario:468 Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 97(8):S1-S275
"State of the climate in 2014" (2015) Aaron-Morrison, A.P. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 96(7):S1-S267
"State of the climate in 2013" (2014) Multitudinario:424 Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 95(7):S1-S279
"Hierarchical and dynamic seascapes: A quantitative framework for scaling pelagic biogeochemistry and ecology" (2014) Kavanaugh, M.T.;Hales, B.;Saraceno, M. (...)Letelier, R.M. Progress in Oceanography. 120:291-304
"Hierarchical and dynamic seascapes: A quantitative framework for scaling pelagic biogeochemistry and ecology" (2014) Kavanaugh, M.T.;Hales, B.;Saraceno, M. (...)Letelier, R.M. Progress in Oceanography. 120:291-304
"State of the climate in 2012" (2013) Multitudinario:392 Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 94(8):S1-S238
"Teleconnections between tropical-extratropical oceans and the daily intensity of extreme rainfall over Argentina" (2013) Robledo, F.A.; Penalba, O.C.; Bettolli, M.L. International Journal of Climatology. 33(3):735-745
"Multiple jets in the Malvinas current" (2013) Piola, A.R.; Franco, B.C.; Palma, E.D.; Saraceno, M. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 118(4):2107-2117
"Satellite-based prediction of pCO 2 in coastal waters of the eastern North Pacific" (2012) Hales, B.;Strutton, P.G.;Saraceno, M. (...)Chavez, F. Progress in Oceanography. 103:1-15
"Multiple thermal fronts near the Patagonian shelf break" (2008) Franco, B.C.;Piola, A.R.;Rivas, A.L. (...)Pisoni, J.P. Geophysical Research Letters. 35(2)