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regulatory sequence
"INSECT 2.0: A web-server for genome-wide cis-regulatory modules prediction" (2016) Parra, R.G.;Rohr, C.O.;Koile, D. (...)Yankilevich, P. Bioinformatics. 32(8):1229-1231
"Engineered chimeras reveal the structural basis of hexacoordination in globins: A case study of neuroglobin and myoglobin" (2015) Boron, I.;Capece, L.;Pennacchietti, F. (...)Nadra, A.D. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - General Subjects. 1850(1):169-177
"The structure and evolution of cisregulatory regions: The shavenbaby story" (2013) Stern, D.L.; Franke, N. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 368(1632)
"INSECT: IN-silico SEarch for Co-occurring Transcription factors" (2013) Rohr, C.O.; Parra, R.G.; Yankilevich, P.; Perez-Castro, C. Bioinformatics. 29(22):2852-2858
"Exaptation of transposable elements into novel Cis-regulatory elements: Is the evidence always strong?" (2013) De Souza, F.S.J.; Franchini, L.F.; Rubinstein, M. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 30(6):1239-1251
"Multiple layers of complexity in cis-regulatory regions of developmental genes" (2012) Frankel, N. Developmental Dynamics. 241(12):1857-1866
"Integration host factor is involved in transcriptional regulation of the Brucella abortus virB operon" (2004) Sieira, R.; Comerci, D.J.; Pietrasanta, L.I.; Ugalde, R.A. Molecular Microbiology. 54(3):808-822