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Reinforcement (Psychology)
"Sweet taste and nutrient value subdivide rewarding dopaminergic neurons in drosophila" (2015) Huetteroth, W.;Perisse, E.;Lin, S. (...)Waddell, S. Current Biology. 25(6):751-758
"Mismatch between what is expected and what actually occurs triggers memory reconsolidation or extinction" (2004) Pedreira, M.E.; Pérez-Cuesta, L.M.; Maldonado, H. Learning and Memory. 11(5):579-585
"Learning under partial reinforcement in the toad (Bufo arenarum): Effects of lesions in the medial pallium" (1994) Muzio, R.N.; Segura, E.T.; Papini, M.R. Behavioral and Neural Biology. 61(1):36-46
"Theories and models of the hippocampal function " (1981) Schmajuk, N.A.; Segura, E.T. Acta Physiologica Latino-Americana. 31(4):261-282
"Appetitive conditioning and discriminatory learning in toads" (1980) Schmajuk, N.A.; Segura, E.T.; Reboreda, J.C. Behavioral and Neural Biology. 28(4):392-397