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"Loschmidt echo and time reversal in complex systems" (2016) Goussev, A.; Jalabert, R.A.; Pastawski, H.M.; Wisniacki, D.A. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 374(2069)
"The 5-HT5A receptor regulates excitability in the auditory startle circuit: Functional implications for sensorimotor gating" (2013) Curtin, P.C.P.;Medan, V.;Neumeister, H. (...)Preuss, T. Journal of Neuroscience. 33(24):10011-10020
"The 5-HT5A receptor regulates excitability in the auditory startle circuit: Functional implications for sensorimotor gating" (2013) Curtin, P.C.P.;Medan, V.;Neumeister, H. (...)Preuss, T. Journal of Neuroscience. 33(24):10011-10020
"Observable effects of sound source-tract coupling" (2011) Arneodo, E.M.; Perl, Y.S.; Mindlin, G.B. 18th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2011, ICSV 2011. 1:887-894
"Metal nanoparticle ensembles: Tunable laser pulses distinguish monomer from dimer vibrations" (2011) Jais, P.M.; Murray, D.B.; Merlin, R.; Bragas, A.V. Nano Letters. 11(9):3685-3689
"Metal nanoparticle ensembles: Tunable laser pulses distinguish monomer from dimer vibrations" (2011) Jais, P.M.; Murray, D.B.; Merlin, R.; Bragas, A.V. Nano Letters. 11(9):3685-3689
"Smooth operator: Avoidance of subharmonic bifurcations through mechanical mechanisms simplifies song motor control in adult zebra finches" (2010) Elemans, C.P.H.; Laje, R.; Mindlin, G.B.; Goller, F. Journal of Neuroscience. 30(40):13246-13253
"Smooth operator: Avoidance of subharmonic bifurcations through mechanical mechanisms simplifies song motor control in adult zebra finches" (2010) Elemans, C.P.H.; Laje, R.; Mindlin, G.B.; Goller, F. Journal of Neuroscience. 30(40):13246-13253
"New perspectives on the physics of birdsong" (2009) Trevisan, M.A.; Mindlin, G.B. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 367(1901):3239-3254
"New perspectives on the physics of birdsong" (2009) Trevisan, M.A.; Mindlin, G.B. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 367(1901):3239-3254
"Lateralization as a symmetry breaking process in birdsong" (2007) Trevisan, M.A.; Cooper, B.; Goller, F.; Mindlin, G.B. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 75(3)
"Nonlinear model predicts diverse respiratory patterns of birdsong" (2006) Trevisan, M.A.; Mindlin, G.B.; Goller, F. Physical Review Letters. 96(5)
"Modeling source-source and source-filter acoustic interaction in birdsong" (2005) Laje, R.; Mindlin, G.B. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 72(3)
"Modeling source-source and source-filter acoustic interaction in birdsong" (2005) Laje, R.; Mindlin, G.B. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 72(3)
"Modeling source-source and source-filter acoustic interaction in birdsong" (2005) Laje, R.; Mindlin, G.B. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 72(3)
"Mapping neural architectures onto acoustic features of birdsong" (2004) Abarbanel, H.D.I.; Gibb, L.; Mindlin, G.B.; Talathi, S. Journal of Neurophysiology. 92(1):96-110
"The photophysics of nitrocarbazoles studied by using spectroscopic, photoacoustic and luminescence techniques" (2003) Mesaros, M.;Bonesi, S.M.;Ponce, M.A. (...)Bilmes, G.M. Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences. 2(7):808-816
"Constraining nonstandard recombination: A worked example" (2001) Landau, S.J.; Harari, D.D.; Zaldarriaga, M. Physical Review D. 63(8)
"Parameter estimation in acoustic media using the adjoint method" (1998) Fernández-Berdaguer, E.M. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization. 36(4):1315-1330