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"Cryopreservation of rhizome buds of Asparagus officinalis L. (cv. Morado de Huétor) and evaluation of their genetic stability" (2018) Carmona-Martín, E.; Regalado, J.J.; Perán-Quesada, R.; Encina, C.L. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture. 133(3):395-403
"Extreme rainfall, hydric conditions and associated atmospheric circulation in the southern la Plata Basin" (2016) Penalba, O.C.; Rivera, J.A.; Pántano, V.C.; Bettolli, M.L. Climate Research. 68(2-3):215-229
"Which environmental factors trigger the dominance of phytoplankton species across a moisture gradient of shallow lakes?" (2015) Izaguirre, I.;Sánchez, M.L.;Schiaffino, M.R. (...)Mancini, M. Hydrobiologia. 752(1):47-64
"C-band radiometric response to rainfall events in the subtropical Chaco Forest" (2012) Grings, F.;Douna, V.;Barraza, V. (...)Rahmoune, R. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. 9(2):209-213
"Modeling the drying of a deep bed of ilex paraguariensis in an industrial belt conveyor dryer" (2007) Schmalko, M.E.; Peralta, J.M.; Alzamora, S.M. Drying Technology. 25(12):1967-1975
"Solution of moving boundary problems by coordinate transformations" (1988) Agaras, H.; Aguerre, R.J.; Gabitto, J.F. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. 15(1):41-50
"Water sorption isotherms of soybean varieties grown in Argentina" (1987) POLLIO, M.L.; RESNIK, S.L.; CHIRIFE, J. International Journal of Food Science & Technology. 22(4):335-338