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Muscarinic Antagonists
"Neural correlates of expression-independent memories in the crab Neohelice" (2016) Maza, F.J.; Locatelli, F.F.; Delorenzi, A. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 131:61-75
"Dissociation between memory reactivation and its behavioral expression: Scopolamine interferes with memory expression without disrupting long-term storage" (2012) Caffaro, P.A.; Suárez, L.D.; Blake, M.G.; Delorenzi, A. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 98(3):235-245
"Choline reverses scopolamine-induced memory impairment by improving memory reconsolidation" (2012) Blake, M.G.;Boccia, M.M.;Krawczyk, M.C. (...)Baratti, C.M. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 98(2):112-121
"Functional expression and properties of a nicotinic α9/5-HT3 A chimeric receptor" (2003) Verbitsky, M.; Plazas, P.V.; Elgoyhen, A.B. NeuroReport. 14(15):1931-1934
"Modulation of ACh release by presynaptic muscarinic autoreceptors in the neuromuscular junction of the newborn and adult rat" (2003) Santafé, M.M.;Salon, I.;Garcia, N. (...)Tomàs, J. European Journal of Neuroscience. 17(1):119-127
"Activation of nitric oxide synthase through muscarinic receptors in rat parotid gland" (2002) Rosignoli, F.; Pérez Leirós, C. European Journal of Pharmacology. 439(1-3):27-33
"Two polypeptides from Dendroaspis angusticeps venom selectively inhibit the binding of central muscarinic cholinergic receptor ligands" (1992) Jerusalinsky, D.;Cerveñansky, C.;Peña, C. (...)Dajas, F. Neurochemistry International. 20(2):237-246