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Mercury (metal)
"Interactions of gold nanoparticles with a phospholipid monolayer membrane on mercury" (2014) Gordillo, G.J.; Krpetić, Z.; Brust, M. ACS Nano. 8(6):6074-6080
"Electrocatalytic hydrogen redox chemistry on gold nanoparticles" (2012) Brust, M.; Gordillo, G.J. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 134(7):3318-3321
"Nuclear magnetic resonance shielding constants and chemical shifts in linear 199Hg compounds: A comparison of three relativistic computational methods" (2011) Arcisauskaite, V.; Melo, J.I.; Hemmingsen, L.; Sauer, S.P.A. Journal of Chemical Physics. 135(4)
"Chelating electrodes as taste sensor for the trace assessment of metal ions" (2010) Yánez Heras, J.; Rodriguez, S.D.; Negri, R.M.; Battaglini, F. Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical. 145(2):726-733
"Growth kinetics of ISOVPE HgCdTe epilayers obtained on alloyed CdTe substrates with different crystalline orientations" (2010) Gilabert, U.; Moyano, E.; Scarpettini, A.; Trigubó, A.B. Journal of Crystal Growth. 312(9):1481-1485
"Adsorption and reduction of palladium-dimethylglyoxime complex" (2009) Ramírez, S.A.; Gordillo, G.J. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. 629(1-2):147-151
"Fluorinated Hg-1223 under pressure: The ultimate Tc of the cuprates?" (2004) Monteverde, M.;Núñez-Regueiro, M.;Acha, C. (...)Antipov, E.V. Proceedings of the International Conference on Materials. 408-410(1-4):23-24
"Adsorption and electrochemical reduction of Co(II)-dimethylglyoxime on mercury" (2002) Cordon, F.; Ramirez, S.A.; Gordillo, G.J. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. 534(2):131-141
"Electrochemical impedance of mercury electrodes with hematite particles adhered" (2001) Andrade, E.M.; Molina, F.V. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology. 15(12):1503-1510
"The reduction of nickel dimethylglyoxime complex preadsorbed on mercury" (1997) Ramírez, S.; Gordillo, G.J.; Posadas, D. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. 431(2):171-181
"The adsorption of nickel dimethylglyoxime complex on mercury" (1996) Ramirez, S.; Gordillo, G.J.; Posadas, D. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. 407(1-2):219-225