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Mathematical transformations
"Toward Fail-Safe Speaker Recognition: Trial-Based Calibration with a Reject Option" (2019) Ferrer, L.;Nandwana, M.K.;McLaren, M. (...)Lawson, A. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing. 27(1):140-153
"110 years of temperature observations at Orcadas Antarctic Station: Multidecadal variability" (2016) Zitto, M.E.; Barrucand, M.G.; Piotrkowski, R.; Canziani, P.O. International Journal of Climatology. 36(2):809-823
"The Fokker-Planck equation for bosons in 2D: Well-posedness and asymptotic behavior" (2016) Cañizo, J.A.; Carrillo, J.A.; Laurençot, P.; Rosado, J. Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications. 137:291-305
"Electric quadrupole polarizabilities of nuclear magnetic shielding in some small molecules" (2008) Ferraro, M.B.; Caputo, M.C.; Pagola, G.I.; Lazzeretti, P. Journal of Chemical Physics. 128(4)
"Dilation matrices for nonseparable bidimensional wavelets" (2006) Ruedin, A. 8th International Conference on Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems, ACIVS 2006. 4179 LNCS:91-102
"Robust Box-Cox transformations based on minimum residual autocorrelation" (2006) Marazzi, A.; Yohai, V.J. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. 50(10):2752-2768
"Decomposition of the first-order reduced density matrix: An isopycnic localization treatment" (2006) Alcoba, D.R.; Bochicchio, R.C.; Torre, A.; Lain, L. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 110(29):9254-9260
"Evolution of the transverse response of an optical system with complex filters" (2005) Ledesma, S.; Escalera, J.C.; Campos, J.; Yzuel, M.J. Optics Communications. 249(1-3):183-192
"On the multiplicative products of the n-dimensional distributional Hankel transforms" (2004) Trione, S.E. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 154(1):211-217
"Spectral shorted matrices" (2004) Antezana, J.; Corach, G.; Stojanoff, D. Linear Algebra and Its Applications. 381(1-3):197-217
"Joint transform correlator tolerant to distortions of the object to detect" (2004) Mela, C.; Iemmi, C.; Marcano O. A.; Paz J.L. RIAO/OPTILAS 2004: 5th Iberoamerican Meeting on Optics, and 8th Latin American Meeting on Optics, Lasers, and their Applications; ICO Regional Meeting. 5622(PART 3):1304-1309
"Constructing phantom cosmologies from standard scalar field universes" (2003) Chimento, L.P.; Lazkoz, R. Physical Review Letters. 91(21)
"Ultrashort light pulse propagation in aberrant optical systems: Spatial-temporal analysis" (2003) Zalvidea, D.; Sicre, E.E. Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics. 5(5):S310-S314
"Weak solutions for the derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation" (2002) Rial, D.F. Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications. 49(2):149-158
"Two graph-based techniques for software architecture reconfiguration" (2002) Hirsch, D.; Montanari, U.; Bauderon M.; Corradini A. GETGRATS Closing Workshop. 51:177-190
"Grassmann coherent states representation of the path integral: Evaluation of the generating function for spin systems" (2002) Anicich, P.G.O.; Grinberg, H. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 90(6):1562-1576
"Parametric coordinate transformations for surface relief gratings" (2001) Inchaussandague, M.E.; Depine, R.A. 4th Iberoamerican Meeting on Optics and 7th Latin American Meeting on Optics, Lasers, and Their Applications. 4419:776-779
"Naudts-like duality and the extreme Fisher information principle" (2000) Chimento, L.P.; Pennini, F.; Plastino, A. Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics. 62(5):7462-7465
"Stability analysis and numerical simulation of 1-D and 2-D radial flow towards an oil well" (1997) Savioli, G.B.; Jacovkis, P.M.; Bidner, M.S. Computers and Mathematics with Applications. 33(3):121-135
"Infrared reflectivity of SrRuO3" (1996) De La Cruz, F.P.; Massa, N.E.; Cuffini, S.L.; Carbonio, R.E. Ferroelectrics. 185(1-4):277-280
"Water sorption characteristics of argentine wheat: Statistical methodology" (1994) Larumbe, A.;González, H.H.L.;Pollio, M.L. (...)Garibotti, G. Journal of Food Engineering. 21(3):291-304
"j-Expansive matrix-valued functions and Darlington realization of transfer-scattering matrices" (1983) Cortina, E. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 92(2):435-444
"On the Fourier transforms of retarded Lorentz-invariant functions" (1981) Trione, S.E. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 84(1):73-112