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health risk
"Neonatal, placental, and umbilical cord blood parameters in pregnant women residing in areas with intensive pesticide application" (2017) Quintana, M.M.;Vera, B.;Magnarelli, G. (...)Rovedatti, M.G. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 24(25):20736-20746
"Mycoflora and Potential Mycotoxin Production of Freshly Harvested Blueberry in Concordia, Entre Ríos Province, Argentina" (2013) Munitz, M.S.;Garrido, C.E.;Gonzalez, H.H.L. (...)Montti, M.I.T. International Journal of Fruit Science. 13(3):312-325
"Arsenic and associated trace-elements in groundwater from the Chaco-Pampean plain, Argentina: Results from 100years of research" (2012) Nicolli, H.B.;Bundschuh, J.;Blanco, M.D.C. (...)Rusansky, J.E. Science of the Total Environment. 429:36-56
"Gliotoxin contamination in and pre- and postfermented corn, sorghum and wet brewer's grains silage in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil" (2012) Keller, L.A.M.;Keller, K.M.;Monge, M.P. (...)R Rosa, C.A. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 112(5):865-873
"Is temperature the main cause of dengue rise in non-endemic countries? The case of Argentina" (2012) Carbajo, A.E.; Cardo, M.V.; Vezzani, D. International Journal of Health Geographics. 11
"Stochastic eco-epidemiological model of dengue disease transmission by Aedes aegypti mosquito" (2010) Otero, M.; Solari, H.G. Mathematical Biosciences. 223(1):32-46
"Prevalence of tobacco use among pediatric residents in Argentina " (2004) Ferrero, F.;Castaños, C.;Durán, P. (...)Delucca, M. Revista Panamericana de Salud Publica/Pan American Journal of Public Health. 15(6):395-399