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habitat use
"Patterns of habitat partitioning for the portunid crab Ovalipes trimaculatus in costal Patagonian waters" (2018) de la Barra, P.; Botto, F.; Iribarne, O.; Narvarte, M. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 213:92-97
"Nesting site selection by the burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia) in rolling pampa agroecosystems " (2017) Pairo, P.E.; Leveau, L.M.; Bellocq, M.I. Ecologia Austral. 27(3):375-384
"Habitats selected by the endangered Greater Rhea (Rhea americana) - Implications for conservation" (2016) García Erize, F.; Gómez Villafañe, I.E. Emu. 116(4):379-386
"Habitat use by armadillos in agroecosystems of central Argentina: Does plot identity matter?" (2016) Abba, A.M.; Zufiaurre, E.; Codesido, M.; Bilenca, D.N. Journal of Mammalogy. 97(5):1265-1271
"Wild small mammals in intensive milk cattle and swine production systems" (2015) Rosario, L.; Soledad, F.M.; Regino, C. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 202:251-259
"Wild small mammals in intensive milk cattle and swine production systems" (2015) Rosario, L.; Soledad, F.M.; Regino, C. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 202:251-259
"Environmental niche overlap between common and dusky dolphins in North Patagonia, Argentina" (2015) Svendsen, G.M.;Romero, M.A.;Williams, G.N. (...)González, R.A. PLoS ONE. 10(6)
"Palynological analysis of camelid coprolites: Seasonality in the use of the site Cerro Casa de Piedra 7 (Santa Cruz, Argentina)" (2014) Velázquez, N.J.;Burry, L.S.;Fugassa, M.H. (...)Aschero, C.A. Quaternary Science Reviews. 83:143-156
"Daily activity patterns and habitat use of the lowland tapir (Tapirus terrestris) in the Atlantic Forest" (2014) Cruz, P.;Paviolo, A.;Bó, R.F. (...)Di Bitetti, M.S. Mammalian Biology. 79(6):376-383
"Distribution and habitat use of the Austral Rail Rallus antarcticus and perspectives on its conservation" (2014) Barnett, J.M.; Imberti, S.; Roesler, I. Bird Conservation International. 24(1):114-125
"Stilbohypoxylon quisquiliarum (Ascomycota, Xylariaceae), new record from Argentina " (2013) Sir, E.B.; Perera, T.C.; Romero, A.I.; Hladki, A.I. Darwiniana. 1(2):289-294
"Isotopic values of diet of Blastocerus dichotomus (marsh deer) in Paraná Basin, South America" (2013) Loponte, D.M.; Corriale, M.J. Journal of Archaeological Science. 40(2):1382-1388
"Habitat occupancy of the Dusky-legged Guan in the lower delta of the Paraná River, Argentina" (2013) Malzof, S.L.; Bolkovic, M.L.; Thompson, J.J.; Quintana, R.D. Bird Conservation International. 23(1):83-90
"Population structure of the intertidal crab Cyrtograpsus altimanus (Brachyura: Varunidae) in a northern Patagonia mussel bed" (2012) Vázquez, M.G.; Bas, C.C.; Spivak, E.D. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 92(2):327-334
"Are the closed landfills recovered habitats for small rodents? A case study in a riparian site, Buenos Aires, Argentina" (2011) Carballido, M.F.;Arístide, P.;Busch, M. (...)Villafañe, I.E.G. Urban Ecosystems. 14(4):699-710
"Rodent selection by Geoffroy's cats in a semi-arid scrubland of central Argentina" (2011) Bisceglia, S.B.C.; Pereira, J.A.; Teta, P.; Quintana, R.D. Journal of Arid Environments. 75(11):1024-1028
"Terrestrial habitat use by the burrowing toad, rhinella fernandezae (Anura: Bufonidae)" (2010) Sanchez, L.C.; Busch, M.; Madanes, N. Folia Zoologica. 59(2):122-128
"Habitat use and feeding habits of juvenile fishes in an infrequently flooded Atlantic saltmarsh" (2010) Valiñas, M.; Acha, E.M.; Iribarne, O. Marine and Freshwater Research. 61(10):1154-1163
"Effects of tacuarembó (chusquea ramosissirna, poaceae) on seed dispersal process in misiones forest " (2008) Gallardo, A.; Month, L.; Bravo, S.P. Ecologia Austral. 18(3):347-356
"Effects of tacuarembó (chusquea ramosissirna, poaceae) on seed dispersal process in misiones forest " (2008) Gallardo, A.; Month, L.; Bravo, S.P. Ecologia Austral. 18(3):347-356
"A species approach to marine ecosystem conservation" (2007) Campagna, C.;Sanderson, E.W.;Coppolillo, P.B. (...)Croxall, J.P. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 17(SUPPL 1):S122-S147
"Habitat-use patterns of the coypu Myocastor coypus in an urban wetland of its original distribution" (2006) Corriale, M.J.; Arias, S.M.; Bó, R.F.; Porini, G. Acta Theriologica. 51(3):295-302
"Habitat-use patterns of the coypu Myocastor coypus in an urban wetland of its original distribution" (2006) Corriale, M.J.; Arias, S.M.; Bó, R.F.; Porini, G. Acta Theriologica. 51(3):295-302
"Detailed assessment of microhabitat suitability for Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) in Buenos Aires, Argentina" (2005) Vezzani, D.;Rubio, A.;Velázquez, S.M. (...)Wiegand, T. Acta Tropica. 95(2):123-131
"Small- and large-scale effect of the SW Atlantic burrowing crab Chasmagnathus granulatus on habitat use by migratory shorebirds" (2005) Iribarne, O.;Bruschetti, M.;Escapa, M. (...)Gagliardini, A. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 315(1):87-101
"Post-fire vegetation change and bird use of a salt marsh in coastal Argentina" (2004) Isacch, J.P.; Holz, S.; Ricci, L.; Martínez, M.M. Wetlands. 24(2):235-243
"Microhabitat use and density of sigmodontine rodents in Spartina densiflora freshwater marshes, Argentina" (2003) Bonaventura, S.M.; Pancotto, V.; Madanes, N.; Vicari, R. Mammalia. 67(3):367-377
"Foraging behavior and microhabitat use of birds inhabiting coastal woodlands in eastcentral Argentina" (2002) Cueto, V.R.; De Casenave, J.L. Wilson Bulletin. 114(3):342-348
"Habitat use and diet in sympatric species of rodents of the low Paraná delta, Argentina" (2001) Suárez, O.V.; Bonaventura, S.M. Mammalia. 65(2):167-176
"Habitat use by coypu Myocastor coypus in agro-systems of the Argentinean Pampas" (2000) D'Adamo, P.; Guichón, M.L.; Bó, R.F.; Cassini, M.H. Acta Theriologica. 45(1):25-33
"Habitat use by coypu Myocastor coypus in agro-systems of the Argentinean Pampas" (2000) D'Adamo, P.; Guichón, M.L.; Bó, R.F.; Cassini, M.H. Acta Theriologica. 45(1):25-33
"Habitat use of crowned eagles (Harpyhaliaetus coronatus) in the southern limits of the species' range" (1998) Bellocq, M.I.; Bonaventura, S.M.; Marcelino, F.N.; Sabatini, M. Journal of Raptor Research. 32(4):312-314
"Habitat selection and interspecific competition in rodents in pampean agroecosystems" (1997) Busch, M.; Alvarez, M.R.; Cittadino, E.A.; Kravetz, F.O. Mammalia. 61(2):167-184
"Habitat use of Scapteromys Tumidus (Rodentia : Cricetidae) in the Delta of the Paraná River, Argentina" (1995) Cueto, V.R.; Cagnoni, M.; Piantanida, M.J. Mammalia. 59(1):25-34