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GTP-Binding Proteins
"Tissue Transglutaminase on Trophoblast Cells as a Possible Target of Autoantibodies Contributing to Pregnancy Complications in Celiac Patients" (2014) Sóñora, C.;Calo, G.;Fraccaroli, L. (...)Ramhorst, R. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology. 72(5):485-495
"Anti-tissue transglutaminase antibody inhibits apoptotic cell clearance by macrophages in pregnant NOD mice" (2014) Sóñora, C.;Mourglia-Ettlin, G.;Calo, G. (...)Leirós, C.P. Journal of Reproductive Immunology. 103(1):59-66
"Role of G-proteins in the effects of leptin on pedunculopontine nucleus neurons" (2013) Beck, P.; Mahaffey, S.; Urbano, F.J.; Garcia-Rill, E. Journal of Neurochemistry. 126(6):705-714
"Mepyramine, a histamine H1 receptor inverse agonist, binds preferentially to a G protein-coupled form of the receptor and sequesters G protein" (2004) Fitzsimons, C.P.;Monczor, F.;Fernández, N. (...)Davio, C. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 279(33):34431-34439
"H1 and H2 histamine receptors mediate the production of inositol phosphates but not cAMP in human breast epithelial cells" (2002) Davio, C.;Mladovan, A.;Lemos, B. (...)Baldi, A. Inflammation Research. 51(1):1-7
"Occurrence of GTP-binding proteins in the ascomycete Saccobolus platensis" (1994) Zelada, A.M.; Samela, A.; Passeron, S.; Cantors, M.L. Experimental Mycology. 18(4):330-337
"Enzymatic and immunological detection of G protein α-subunits in the pathogenic fungus Candida albicans" (1992) Paveto, C.; Montero, L.; Passeron, S. FEBS Letters. 311(1):51-54
"Evidence for the existence of an N(s)-type regulatory protein in Trypanosoma cruzi membranes" (1986) Eisenschlos, C.D.; Paladini, A.A.; Molina y Vedia, L. Biochemical Journal. 237(3):913-917