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estrogen receptor beta
"Histamine H4 receptor as a novel therapeutic target for the treatment of Leydig-cell tumours in prepubertal boys" (2018) Abiuso, A.M.B.;Varela, M.L.;Haro Durand, L. (...)Mondillo, C. European Journal of Cancer. 91:125-135
"Histamine H4 receptor as a novel therapeutic target for the treatment of Leydig-cell tumours in prepubertal boys" (2018) Abiuso, A.M.B.;Varela, M.L.;Haro Durand, L. (...)Mondillo, C. European Journal of Cancer. 91:125-135
"Histamine H4 receptor as a novel therapeutic target for the treatment of Leydig-cell tumours in prepubertal boys" (2018) Abiuso, A.M.B.;Varela, M.L.;Haro Durand, L. (...)Mondillo, C. European Journal of Cancer. 91:125-135
"Apoptosis, proliferation and presence of estradiol receptors in the testes and Bidder's organ of the toad Rhinella arenarum (Amphibia, Anura)" (2016) Scaia, M.F.; Czuchlej, S.C.; Cervino, N.; Ceballos, N.R. Journal of Morphology. 277(4):412-423
"Apoptosis, proliferation and presence of estradiol receptors in the testes and Bidder's organ of the toad Rhinella arenarum (Amphibia, Anura)" (2016) Scaia, M.F.; Czuchlej, S.C.; Cervino, N.; Ceballos, N.R. Journal of Morphology. 277(4):412-423
"Neuroprotective actions of estradiol revisited" (2011) Azcoitia, I.; Arevalo, M.-A.; De Nicola, A.F.; Garcia-Segura, L.M. Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism. 22(12):467-473
"Neuroimmune-endocrine interactions during early pregnancy in an autoimmune context: Focus on macrophage activation" (2008) Larocca, L.;Ramhorst, R.;Roca, V. (...)Pérez Leirós, C. NeuroImmunoModulation. 15(1):84-90
"Cardiovascular effects of tibolone: A selective tissue estrogenic activity regulator" (2007) Campisi, R.; Marengo, F.D. Cardiovascular Drug Reviews. 25(2):132-145
"New mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of pituitary adenomas " (2003) Giacomini, D.;Paez-Pereda, M.;Refojo, D. (...)Arzt, E. Medicina. 63(2):147-150