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"Superhydrophobic brass and bronze meshes based on electrochemical and chemical self-assembly of stearate" (2019) Sosa, M.D.;Lombardo, G.;Rojas, G. (...)D'Accorso, N.B. Applied Surface Science. 465:116-124
"Superhydrophobic brass and bronze meshes based on electrochemical and chemical self-assembly of stearate" (2019) Sosa, M.D.;Lombardo, G.;Rojas, G. (...)D'Accorso, N.B. Applied Surface Science. 465:116-124
"Organic radicals for the enhancement of oxygen reduction reaction in Li-O2 batteries" (2015) Tesio, A.Y.;Blasi, D.;Olivares-Marín, M. (...)Veciana, J. Chemical Communications. 51(99):17623-17626
"Electrocatalytic hydrogenation of acetophenone and benzophenone using palladium electrodes" (2015) Villalba, M.; Del Pozo, M.; Calvo, E.J. Electrochimica Acta. 164:125-131
"Zirfon® as separator material for water electrolysis under specific conditions" (2014) Lavorante, M.J.;Franco, J.I.;Bonelli, P. (...)Ozer M. 1st International Congress on Energy Efficiency and Energy Related Materials, ENEFM 2013. 155:225-231
"Correlation between pore size and reactivity of macro/mesoporous iron and copper hexacyanoferrates for H2O2 electrocatalysis" (2013) Gonçales, V.R.;Gaitán, M.H.;Bragatto, A.D.O.P. (...)Córdoba De Torresi, S.I. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. 706:48-54
"Oxygen cathode based on a layer-by-layer self-assembled laccase and osmium redox mediator" (2009) Szamocki, R.;Flexer, V.;Levin, L. (...)Calvo, E.J. Electrochimica Acta. 54(7):1970-1977
"Development of a trielectrode plasma curtain at atmospheric pressure" (2008) Zastawny, H.;Sosa, R.;Grondona, D. (...)Kelly, H. Applied Physics Letters. 93(3)
"Ionization of the He, Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe isoelectronic series by proton impact" (2008) Miraglia, J.E.; Gravielle, M.S. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 78(5)
"Extracting kinetic parameters for homogeneous [Os(bpy)2ClPyCOOH]+ mediated enzyme reactions from cyclic voltammetry and simulations" (2008) Flexer, V.; Ielmini, M.V.; Calvo, E.J.; Bartlett, P.N. Bioelectrochemistry. 74(1):201-209
"EPR insensitivity of the metal-nitrosyl spin-bearing moiety in complexes [LnRuII-NO.]k" (2004) Frantz, S.;Sarkar, B.;Sieger, M. (...)Záliš, S. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry(14):2902-2907
"Establishing the NO oxidation state in complexes [Cl5(NO)M] n-, M = Ru or Ir, through experiments and DFT calculations" (2004) Sieger, M.;Sarkar, B.;Záliš, S. (...)Kaim, W. Dalton Transactions(12):1797-1800
"Renormalization group and nonequilibrium action in stochastic field theory" (2002) Zanella, J.; Calzetta, E. Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics. 66(3)