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cyclic AMP responsive element binding protein binding protein
"CAMP-dependent cell differentiation triggered by activated CRHR1 in hippocampal neuronal cells" (2017) Inda, C.;Bonfiglio, J.J.;Dos Santos Claro, P.A. (...)Silberstein, S. Scientific Reports. 7(1)
"Histone methylation, alternative splicing and neuronal differentiation" (2016) Fiszbein, A.; Kornblihtt, A.R. Neurogenesis. 3(1)
"Structured and Unstructured Binding of an Intrinsically Disordered Protein as Revealed by Atomistic Simulations" (2016) Ithuralde, R.E.; Roitberg, A.E.; Turjanski, A.G. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 138(28):8742-8751
"NF-κB transcription factor role in consolidation and reconsolidation of persistent memories" (2015) de la Fuente, V.;Federman, N.;Zalcman, G. (...)Romano, A. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience. 8(September)
"Progesterone receptor induces bcl-x expression through intragenic binding sites favoring RNA polymerase II elongation" (2013) Bertucci, P.Y.;Nacht, A.S.;Alló, M. (...)Pecci, A. Nucleic Acids Research. 41(12):6072-6086
"Molecular mechanisms of glucocorticoids action: From basic research to clinical implications" (2010) Liberman, A.C.;Castro, C.N.;Noguerol, M.A. (...)Arzt, E. Current Immunology Reviews. 6(4):371-380
"Repression of 5-aminolevulinate synthase gene by the potent tumor promoter, TPA, involves multiple signal transduction pathways" (2005) Guberman, A.S.; Scassa, M.E.; Cánepa, E.T. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. 436(2):285-296