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antibody detection
"Bovine mastitis prevention: Humoral and cellular response of dairy cows inoculated with lactic acid bacteria at the dry-off period" (2017) Pellegrino, M.;Berardo, N.;Giraudo, J. (...)Bogni, C. Beneficial Microbes. 8(4):589-596
"Comparison of three methods for gastrointestinal nematode diagnosis determination in grazing dairy cattle in relation to milk production" (2011) Mejía, M.E.;Perri, A.F.;Licoff, N. (...)Lacau-Mengido, I.M. Veterinary Parasitology. 183(1-2):174-177
"trans-sialidase neutralizing antibody detection in Trypanosoma cruzi-infected domestic reservoirs" (2011) Sartor, P.A.;Cardinal, M.V.;Orozco, M.M. (...)Leguizamón, M.S. Clinical and Vaccine Immunology. 18(6):984-989
"Clinical significance of anti-Ro antibodies in rheumatoid arthritis" (2008) Schneeberger, E.; Citera, G.; Heredia, M.; Cocco, J.M. Clinical Rheumatology. 27(4):517-519
"GnRH systems of Cichlasoma dimerus (Perciformes, Cichlidae) revisited: A localization study with antibodies and riboprobes to GnRH-associated peptides" (2005) Pandolfi, M.;Muñoz-Cueto, J.A.;Lo Nostro, F.L. (...)Urbanski, H.F. Cell and Tissue Research. 321(2):219-232
"DNA immunization with the ribosomal P2β gene of Trypanosoma cruzi fails to induce pathogenic antibodies" (2003) Levitus, G.;Grippo, V.;Labovsky, V. (...)Levin, M.J. Microbes and Infection. 5(15):1381-1388
"Evaluation of Toxoplasma gondii recombinant proteins for the diagnosis of recently acquired toxoplasmosis by an immunoglobulin G analysis" (2003) Nigro, M.;Gutierrez, A.;Hoffer, A.M. (...)Angel, S.O. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease. 47(4):609-613
"Prevalence of Infection with Hantavirus in Rodent Populations of Central Argentina" (2003) Suárez, O.V.;Cueto, G.R.;Cavia, R. (...)Busch, M. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. 98(6):727-732
"Experimental infection of suckling mice with a host range mutant of junin virus" (1991) Scolaro, L.A.; Mersich, S.E.; Damonte, E.B. Journal of Medical Virology. 34(4):237-240