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Allium sativum
"Stabilization of refrigerated avocado pulp: Effect of Allium and Brassica extracts on enzymatic browning" (2015) Bustos, M.C.; Mazzobre, M.F.; Buera, M.P. LWT - Food Science and Technology. 61(1):89-97
"Megasporogenesis and megagametophyte development in ten species of Oxalis" (2011) Rosenfeldt, S.; Galati, B.G. Annales Botanici Fennici. 48(3):263-271
"Characterization of a novel cysteine peptidase from tissue culture of garlic (Allium sativum L.)" (2002) Parisi, M.; Moreno, S.; Fernández, C. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology - Plant. 38(6):608-612
"Immunological detection of a GarV-Type virus in Argentine garlic cultivars" (1997) Helguera, M.;Bravo-Almonacid, F.;Kobayashi, K. (...)Mentaberry, A. Plant Disease. 81(9):1005-1010
"Immunological detection of a GarV-Type virus in Argentine garlic cultivars" (1997) Helguera, M.;Bravo-Almonacid, F.;Kobayashi, K. (...)Mentaberry, A. Plant Disease. 81(9):1005-1010
"γ-glutamyl transpeptidase/γ-glutamyl peptidase in sprouted Alliumsati vum" (1992) Ceci, L.N.; Curzio, O.A.; Pomilio, A.B. Phytochemistry. 31(2):441-444
"Effects of Irradiation and Storage on the γ‐Glutamyl Transpeptidase Activity of Garlic Bulbs cv ‘Red’" (1992) Ceci, L.N.; Curzio, O.A.; Pomilio, A.B. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 59(4):505-510