Lista de

air sac
"An integrated model for motor control of song in Serinus canaria" (2016) Alonso, R.G.; Amador, A.; Mindlin, G.B. Journal of Physiology Paris. 110(3):127-139
"Motor control of sound frequency in birdsong involves the interaction between air sac pressure and labial tension" (2014) Alonso, R.; Goller, F.; Mindlin, G.B. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 89(3)
"A mechanism for frequency modulation in songbirds shared with humans" (2013) Amador, A.; Margoliash, D. Journal of Neuroscience. 33(27):11136-11144
"Hormonal acceleration of song development illuminates motor control mechanism in canaries" (2010) Alliende, J.A.; Méndez, J.M.; Goller, F.; Mindlin, G.B. Developmental Neurobiology. 70(14):943-960
"Frequency modulation during song in a suboscine does not require vocal muscles" (2008) Amador, A.; Goller, F.; Mindlin, G.B. Journal of Neurophysiology. 99(5):2383-2389
"Experimental support for a model of birdsong production" (2003) Mindlin, G.B.; Gardner, T.J.; Goller, F.; Suthers, R. Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics. 68(4)