Lista de

"Responses of birds to planting of Lotus tenuis pasture in the Flooding Pampas, Argentina" (2015) Agra, M.; Bilenca, D.; Codesido, M. Emu. 115(3):270-276
"Effects of sublethal doses of imidacloprid on young adult honeybee behaviour" (2015) Goñalons, C.M.; Farina, W.M. PLoS ONE. 10(10)
"Relationship between pest birds and landscape elements in the Pampas of Central Argentina" (2015) Codesido, M.; Zufiaurre, E.; Bilenca, D. Emu. 115(1):80-84
"Landbird assemblages in different agricultural landscapes: A case study in the Pampas of central Argentina" (2013) Codesido, M.; González-Fischer, C.M.; Bilenca, D.N. Condor. 115(1):8-16
"Distributional changes of landbird species in agroecosystems of central Argentina" (2011) Codesido, M.; González-Fischer, C.; Bilenca, D. Condor. 113(2):266-273
"Airborne pollen and its relationship with a cropenvironment " (2004) Madanes, N.; Millones, A. Darwiniana. 42(1-4):51-62
"The relationship between food availability, space use and territoriality in Akodon azarae (Rodentia, Cricetidae)" (1992) Bonaventura, S.M.; Kravetz, F.O.; Suarez, O.V. Mammalia. 56(3):407-416
"Food habits of akodon azarae and calomys laucha (cricetidae, rodentia) in agroecosystems of central argentina" (1992) Bilenca, D.N.; Kravetz, F.O.; Zuleta, G.A. Mammalia. 56(3):371-384