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The purpose of this work was to analyze pollen deposition in an agroecosystem during the spring-summer period and its relationship with vegetation structure in a great detail scale. The study was carried out in the Station of the Institute National de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA), Balcarce, Buenos Aires Province. Vegetation censuses were carried out in three habitat types of this Pampean agriculture landscape: natural vegetation, park area and com field. Aeropalynological samples were taken at the corners of the corn field. Plant taxa present in the site were characterized according to different attributes (richness, composition, life form and dispersal type). Taxa present in the com field were compared with those obtained from the pollen spectrum. The three habitat types differred basically in their life form and composition. 54.16% of the identified taxa in vegetation of the corn field was present in the pollen record. In both vegetation and pollen record, zoophylous types and terophyte forms of life were dominant. The habitat types showed a low qualitative and quantitative similarity at a taxonomic analogies level based on the identified pollen types. As a result of this, the landscape showed a high homogeneity. However, constance analysis of taxa was powerful enough to discriminate the origin of deposited pollen (site, local and regional).


Documento: Artículo
Título:Airborne pollen and its relationship with a cropenvironment
Autor:Madanes, N.; Millones, A.
Filiación:Laboratorio de Ecología Ambiental y Regional, Laboratorio de Palinología, Pabellón II, 4o plso, 1428 Buenos Aires, Argentina
Palabras clave:Aeropalynology; Agroecosystem; Microscale; Pollen-vegetation; agricultural land; habitat type; maize; palynology; pollen; Argentina; Balcarce; Buenos Aires [Argentina]; South America; Zea mays
Página de inicio:51
Página de fin:62
Título revista:Darwiniana
Título revista abreviado:Darwiniana


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---------- APA ----------
Madanes, N. & Millones, A. (2004) . Airborne pollen and its relationship with a cropenvironment . Darwiniana, 42(1-4), 51-62.
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Madanes, N., Millones, A. "Airborne pollen and its relationship with a cropenvironment " . Darwiniana 42, no. 1-4 (2004) : 51-62.
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Madanes, N., Millones, A. "Airborne pollen and its relationship with a cropenvironment " . Darwiniana, vol. 42, no. 1-4, 2004, pp. 51-62.
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---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Madanes, N., Millones, A. Airborne pollen and its relationship with a cropenvironment . Darwiniana. 2004;42(1-4):51-62.
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