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"Extreme cold events in South America analyzed from a GFDL model perspective: comparison between CMIP3 and CMIP5 climate scenarios" (2018) Müller, G.V.; Repinaldo, C.R.R.; Araneo, D.C. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 134(1-2):453-466
"Low-frequency variability and trends in centennial precipitation stations in southern South America" (2017) Saurral, R.I.; Camilloni, I.A.; Barros, V.R. International Journal of Climatology. 37(4):1774-1793
"Changes in temperature extremes for 21st century scenarios over South America derived from a multi-model ensemble of regional climate models" (2016) López-Franca, N.;Zaninelli, P.G.;Carril, A.F. (...)Sánchez, E. Climate Research. 68(2-3):151-167
"Evidence of upwelling events at the northern Patagonian shelf break" (2015) Valla, D.; Piola, A.R. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 120(11):7635-7656
"Evaluation of the influence of micrometeorological data on concentration estimates" (2014) Ulke, A.G. International Journal of Environment and Pollution. 55(1-4):113-119
"The Domuyo volcanic system: An enormous geothermal resource in Argentine Patagonia" (2014) Chiodini, G.;Liccioli, C.;Vaselli, O. (...)D'Alessandro, W. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 274:71-77
"A Block Solver for the Exponentially Fitted IIPG-0 Method" (2013) de Dios, B.A.;Lombardi, A.;Pietra, P. (...)Widlund O. Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering. 91:239-246
"On the variability of seasonal temperature in southern South America" (2013) Berman, A.L.; Silvestri, G.; Compagnucci, R. Climate Dynamics. 40(7-8):1863-1878
"Exponentially fitted discontinuous Galerkin schemes for singularly perturbed problems" (2012) Lombardi, A.L.; Pietra, P. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations. 28(6):1747-1777
"Summer soil-precipitation coupling in South America" (2011) Sörensson, A.A.; Menéndez, C.G. Tellus, Series A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography. 63(1):56-68
"Synoptic weather types in the south of South America and their relationship to daily rainfall in the core crop-producing region in Argentina" (2010) Bettolli, M.L.; Penalba, O.C.; Vargas, W.M. Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Journal. 60(1):37-48
"Environment associated with deep moist convection under SALLJ conditions: A case study" (2010) Borque, P.; Salio, P.; Nicolini, M.; Skabar, Y.G. Weather and Forecasting. 25(3):970-984
"Nonstationary impacts of the southern annular mode on Southern Hemisphere climate" (2009) Silvestri, G.; Vera, C. Journal of Climate. 22(22):6142-6148
"Origin of convectively coupled Kelvin waves over South America" (2009) Liebmann, B.;Kiladis, G.N.;Carvalho, L.M.V. (...)Allured, D. Journal of Climate. 22(2):300-315
"The nature of a heat wave in eastern Argentina occuring during SALLJEX" (2007) Cerne, S.B.; Vera, C.S.; Liebmann, B. Monthly Weather Review. 135(3):1165-1174
"Mesoscale convective systems over southeastern South America and their relationship with the South American low-level jet" (2007) Salio, P.; Nicolini, M.; Zipser, E.J. Monthly Weather Review. 135(4):1290-1309
"Atmospheric circulation associated with persistent generalized frosts in Central-Southern South America" (2007) Müller, G.V.; Berri, G.J. Monthly Weather Review. 135(4):1268-1289
"Atmospheric circulation associated with persistent generalized frosts in Central-Southern South America" (2007) Müller, G.V.; Berri, G.J. Monthly Weather Review. 135(4):1268-1289
"Characteristics of the surface layer above a row crop in the presence of local advection" (2006) Figuerola, P.I.; Berliner, P.R. Atmosfera. 19(2):75-108
"Characteristics of the surface layer above a row crop in the presence of local advection" (2006) Figuerola, P.I.; Berliner, P.R. Atmosfera. 19(2):75-108
"Distribution of spring phytoplankton (mainly diatoms) in the upper 50 m of the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean (30-61°S)" (2006) Olguín, H.F.; Boltovskoy, D.; Lange, C.B.; Brandini, F. Journal of Plankton Research. 28(12):1107-1128
"Evapotranspiration under advective conditions" (2005) Figuerola, P.I.; Berliner, P.R. International Journal of Biometeorology. 49(6):403-416