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unsaturated fatty acid
"Tyrosine oxidation and nitration in transmembrane peptides is connected to lipid peroxidation" (2017) Bartesaghi, S.;Herrera, D.;Martinez, D.M. (...)Radi, R. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. 622:9-25
"Death of embryos from 2300-year-old quinoa seeds found in an archaeological site" (2016) Burrieza, H.P.;Sanguinetti, A.;Michieli, C.T. (...)Maldonado, S. Plant Science. 253:107-117
"Juvenile hormone synthesis: "esterify then epoxidize" or " epoxidize then esterify" ? Insights from the structural characterization of juvenile hormone acid methyltransferase" (2011) Defelipe, L.A.;Dolghih, E.;Roitberg, A.E. (...)Turjanski, A.G. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 41(4):228-235
"Storage lipids and proteins of Euterpe edulis seeds" (2009) Panza, V.;Pighin, D.;Láinez, V. (...)Maldonado, S. Biocell. 33(2):99-106
"Lipids Shed into the Culture Medium by Trypomastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi" (2000) Agusti, R.;Couto, A.S.;Alves, M.J.M. (...)De Lederkremer, R.M. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. 95(1-2):97-102
"DNA supercoiling and thermal regulation of unsaturated fatty acid synthesis in Bacillus subtilis" (1994) Grau, R.; Gardiol, D.; Glikin, G.C.; De Mendoza, D. Molecular Microbiology. 11(5):933-941
"Inhibition of growth of Staphylococcus aureus by potassium sorbate, pH and water activity in experimental conditions" (1988) Giannuzzi, L.; Parada, J.L. Revista Latinoamericana de Microbiologia. 30(1):19-23