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Theorem proving
"Boosting the Reuse of Formal Specifications" (2018) Moscato, M.M.;Lopez Pombo, C.G.;Muñoz, C.A. (...)Mahboubi A. 9th International Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving, ITP 2018 Held as Part of the Federated Logic Conference, FloC 2018. 10895 LNCS:477-494
"Existence theorems for some abstract nonlinear non-autonomous systems with delays" (2014) Amster, P.; Idels, L. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. 19(9):2974-2982
"Smale's Fundamental Theorem of Algebra Reconsidered" (2014) Armentano, D.; Shub, M. Foundations of Computational Mathematics. 14(1):85-114
"Dynamite: A tool for the verification of alloy models based on PVS" (2014) Moscato, M.M.; Lopez Pombo, C.G.; Frias, M.F. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology. 23(2)
"Normal numbers and finite automata" (2013) Becher, V.; Heiber, P.A. Theoretical Computer Science. 477:109-116
"On extending de Bruijn sequences" (2011) Becher, V.; Heiber, P.A. Information Processing Letters. 111(18):930-932
"Dynamite 2.0: New features based on UnSAT-core extraction to improve verification of software requirements" (2010) Moscato, M.M.; López Pombo, C.G.; Frias, M.F. 7th International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing, ICTAC 2010. 6255 LNCS:275-289
"Some results on the forced pendulum equation" (2008) Amster, P.; Mariani, M.C. Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications. 68(7):1874-1880
"Turing's unpublished algorithm for normal numbers" (2007) Becher, V.; Figueira, S.; Picchi, R. Theoretical Computer Science. 377(1-3):126-138
"Random reals à la Chaitin with or without prefix-freeness" (2007) Becher, V.; Grigorieff, S. Theoretical Computer Science. 385(1-3):193-201
"Regularity of the free boundary in an optimization problem related to the best sobolev trace constant" (2006) Bonder, J.F.; Rossi, J.D.; Wolanski, N. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization. 44(5):1614-1635
"Generalized statistical complexity measures: Geometrical and analytical properties" (2006) Martin, M.T.; Plastino, A.; Rosso, O.A. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 369(2):439-462
"Polynomial time recognition of unit circular-arc graphs" (2006) Durán, G.;Gravano, A.;McConnell, R.M. (...)Tucker, A. Journal of Algorithms. 58(1):67-78
"NP-completeness results for edge modification problems" (2006) Burzyn, P.; Bonomo, F.; Durán, G. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 154(13 SPEC ISS):1824-1844
"Interpretability of first-order linear temporal logics in fork algebras" (2006) Frias, M.F.; Pombo, C.G.L. Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming. 66(2):161-184
"Improved explicit estimates on the number of solutions of equations over a finite field" (2006) Cafure, A.; Matera, G. Finite Fields and their Applications. 12(2):155-185
"A lambda-calculus with constructors" (2006) Arbiser, A.; Miquel, A.; Ríos, A. 17th International Conference on Term Rewriting and Applications, RTA 2006. 4098 LNCS:181-196
"A general framework to understand parallel performance in heterogeneous clusters: Analysis of a new adaptive parallel genetic algorithm" (2005) Bazterra, V.E.; Cuma, M.; Ferraro, M.B.; Facelli, J.C. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. 65(1):48-57
"Periodic solutions of a resonant third-order equation" (2005) Amster, P.; De Nápoli, P.; Mariani, M.C. Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications. 60(3):399-410
"Weighted generalized inverses, oblique projections, and least-squares problems" (2005) Corach, G.; Maestripieri, A. Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization. 26(6):659-673
"An n-dimensional pendulum-like equation via topological methods" (2005) Amster, P.; De Nápoli, P.; Mariani, M.C. Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications. 60(2):389-398
"Generalized polar varieties: Geometry and algorithms" (2005) Bank, B.; Giusti, M.; Heintz, J.; Pardo, L.M. Festschrift for the 70th Birthday of Arnold Schonhage. 21(4):377-412
"Symmetry properties for the extremals of the Sobolev trace embedding" (2004) Bonder, J.F.; Dozo, E.L.; Rossi, J.D. Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare (C) Analyse Non Lineaire. 21(6):795-805
"Polynomial equation solving by lifting procedures for ramified fibers" (2004) Bompadre, A.; Matera, G.; Wachenchauzer, R.; Waissbein, A. Theoretical Computer Science. 315(2-3):335-369
"Surface characterization from doubly scattered light" (2004) Perez-Quintián, F.; Rebollo, M.A. Applied Optics. 43(14):2884-2887
"On the multiplicative products of the n-dimensional distributional Hankel transforms" (2004) Trione, S.E. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 154(1):211-217
"Recursion and topology on 2≤ω for possibly infinite computations" (2004) Becher, V.; Grigorieff, S. Theoretical Computer Science. 322(1 SPEC ISS):85-136
"Stochastic population dynamics: The Poisson approximation" (2003) Solari, H.G.; Natiello, M.A. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 67(3 1):031918-1-031918-12
"On the Derived Invariance of Cohomology Theories for Coalgebras" (2003) Farinati, M.A. Algebras and Representation Theory. 6(3):303-331
"Mountain pass solutions to equations of p-Laplacian type" (2003) De Nápoli, P.; Mariani, M.C. Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications. 54(7):1205-1219
"Self-similar and multiscaling functions of dimension r" (2003) Fabio, M.; Serrano, E. Wavelets: Applications in Signal and Image Processing X. 5207(2):930-935
"Weak solutions for the derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation" (2002) Rial, D.F. Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications. 49(2):149-158
"Fractal block-coding: A functional approach for image and signal processing" (2002) Cabrelli, C.A.; Falsetti, M.C.; Molter, U.M. Computers and Mathematics with Applications. 44(8-9):1183-1200
"Pure type systems with de Bruijn indices" (2002) Kamareddine, F.; Ríos, A. Computer Journal. 45(2):187-201
"Asymptotic simplification for a reaction-diffusion problem with a nonlinear boundary condition" (2002) De Pablo, A.; Quirós, F.; Rossi, J.D. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics (Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications). 67(1):69-98
"Error estimates for moving least square approximations" (2001) Armentano, M.G.; Durán, R.G. Applied Numerical Mathematics. 37(3):397-416
"Existence results for the mean curvature equation" (2001) Amster, P.; Mariani, M.C. Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications. 47(7):4845-4848
"On the time-space complexity of geometric elimination procedures" (2001) Heintz, J.; Matera, G.; Waissbein, A. Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communications and Computing. 11(4):239-296
"Prescribed mean curvature equation with Dirichlet conditions" (2001) Amster, P.; Mariani, M.C. Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications. 44(1):59-64
"Multilocalization and the van cittert-zernike theorem 2. application to the wollaston prism" (2000) Simon, J.M.; Comastri, S.A.; Tardin, C. Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision. 17(7):1277-1283
"Multilocalization and the van cittert-zernike theorem. 1. theory" (2000) Comastri, S.A.; Simon, J.M.; Tardin, C. Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision. 17(7):1265-1276
"A constructive algorithm to solve "Convex Recursive Deletion" (CoRD) classification problems via two-layer perceptron networks" (2000) Cabrelli, C.; Molter, U.; Shonkwiler, R. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks. 11(3):811-816
"Relating the λσ- and λs-styles of explicit substitutions" (2000) Kamareddine, F.; Rìos, A. Journal of Logic and Computation. 10(3):349-380
"Necessary conditions for the existence of multivariate multiscaling functions" (2000) Cabrelli, C.A.; Heil, C.; Molter, U.M. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 4119(1):395-406
"Uniqueness and non-uniqueness for a system of heat equations with nonlinear coupling at the boundary" (1999) Cortazar, C.; Elgueta, M.; Rossi, J.D. Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications. 37(2):257-267
"Minimal irreversible quantum mechanics: Pure-state formalism" (1997) Castagnino, M.; Laura, R. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 56(1):108-119
"Monotone discrete Newton iterations and elimination" (1995) Milaszewicz, J.P. Computers and Mathematics with Applications. 30(1):79-90