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three-dimensional modeling
"Tracheria troyana (Krapovickas and Nasif, 2011): Redefinition, Environmental Distribution, and Heritage Conservation" (2018) Krapovickas, V.;Muñoz, N.A.;Alonso-Muruaga, P.J. (...)Vizcaíno, S.F. Ichnos:an International Journal of Plant and Animal. 25(2-3):221-231
"Crustal structure of the high Andes in the North Pampean flat slab segment from magnetic and gravity data" (2017) Sánchez, M.A.;Winocur, D.;Álvarez, O. (...)Martinez, M.P. Journal of South American Earth Sciences. 73:153-167
"Andean foreland evolution and flexure in NW Argentina: Chaco-Paraná Basin" (2014) Prezzi, C.B.; Götze, H.-J.; Schmidt, S. Tectonophysics. 628:228-243
"Contribution of the resistivity method to characterize mud walls in a very dry region and comparison with GPR" (2011) Bongiovanni, M.V.; de la Vega, M.; Bonomo, N. Journal of Archaeological Science. 38(9):2243-2250
"3D density model of the Central Andes" (2009) Prezzi, C.B.; Götze, H.-J.; Schmidt, S. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors. 177(3-4):217-234
"Lithospheric structure of the Central Andes based on a 3D gravimetric model " (2009) Prezzi, C.B.; Götze, H.-J. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina. 65(1):81-96
"Top-down structures of mafic enclaves within the Valle Fértil magmatic complex (Early Ordovician, San Juan, Argentina)" (2008) Castro, A.;Martino, R.;Vujovich, G. (...)Viñao, A. Geologica Acta. 6(3):217-229
"3D modeling of buried intrusives in Pan de Azúcar zone (northern Puna, Argentina) from ground magnetic data" (2006) Prezzi, C.; Götze, H.-J. Journal of South American Earth Sciences. 22(1-2):89-97
"3D electrical imaging of an archaeological site using electrical and electromagnetic methods" (2005) Osella, A.; de la Vega, M.; Lascano, E. Geophysics. 70(4):G101-G107
"Comparative magnetotelluric modeling of smooth 2D and 3D conducting bodies using Rayleigh-Fourier codes" (2000) Martinelli, P.; Osella, A.; Pomposiello, C. Pure and Applied Geophysics. 157(3):383-405