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Synthetic aperture radar
"Co-eruptive subsidence and post-eruptive uplift associated with the 2011–2012 eruption of Puyehue-Cordón Caulle, Chile, revealed by DInSAR" (2017) Euillades, P.A.;Euillades, L.D.;Blanco, M.H. (...)Sosa, G.J. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 344:257-269
"Evaluation of the performance of two airborne SAR systems on agricultural soils: SARAT (CONAE) and UAVSAR (NASA/JPL) " (2016) Rava, D.; Barber, M.; Grings, F.; Karszenbaum, H. 2016 IEEE Biennial Congress of Argentina, ARGENCON 2016:307-329
"Mapping plant functional types in floodplain wetlands: An analysis of C-band polarimetric SAR data from RADARSAT-2" (2016) Morandeira, N.S.; Grings, F.; Facchinetti, C.; Kandus, P. Remote Sensing. 8(3)
"Modeling Bare Soil L-Band Polarimetric H-α Values Using a Second-Order SPM Model" (2016) Morandeira, N.S.; Franco, M.; Barber, M.; Grings, F. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. 13(3):399-403
"Parameter estimation in SAR imagery using stochastic distances and asymmetric kernels" (2015) Gambini, J.; Cassetti, J.; Lucini, M.M.; Frery, A.C. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 8(1):365-375
"Parameter estimation in SAR imagery using stochastic distances and asymmetric kernels" (2015) Gambini, J.; Cassetti, J.; Lucini, M.M.; Frery, A.C. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 8(1):365-375
"Speckle reduction with adaptive stack filters" (2014) Buemi, M.E.; Frery, A.C.; Ramos, H.S. Pattern Recognition Letters. 36(1):281-287
"Speckle noise and soil heterogeneities as error sources in a bayesian soil moisture retrieval scheme for SAR data" (2012) Barber, M.;Grings, F.;Perna, P. (...)Karszenbaum, H. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 5(3):942-951
"Speckle noise and soil heterogeneities as error sources in a bayesian soil moisture retrieval scheme for SAR data" (2012) Barber, M.;Grings, F.;Perna, P. (...)Karszenbaum, H. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 5(3):942-951
"Speckle noise and soil heterogeneities as error sources in a bayesian soil moisture retrieval scheme for SAR data" (2012) Barber, M.;Grings, F.;Perna, P. (...)Karszenbaum, H. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 5(3):942-951
"A Bayesian approach to retrieve soil parameters from SAR data: Effect of prior information" (2012) Barber, M.;Maas, M.;Perna, P. (...)Karszenbaum, H. SAR Image Analysis, Modeling, and Techniques XII. 8536
"A Bayesian approach to retrieve soil parameters from SAR data: Effect of prior information" (2012) Barber, M.;Maas, M.;Perna, P. (...)Karszenbaum, H. SAR Image Analysis, Modeling, and Techniques XII. 8536
"Multilayer simulations for accurate geological interpretations of SHARAD radargrams" (2011) Spagnuolo, M.G.;Grings, F.;Perna, P. (...)Ramos, V.A. Planetary and Space Science. 59(11-12):1222-1230
"Assessment of SAR image filtering using adaptive stack filters" (2011) Buemi, M.E.;Mejail, M.;Jacobo, J. (...)Ramos, H.S. 16th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition, CIARP 2011. 7042 LNCS:89-96
"Evolutionary expert-supervised despeckled srad filter design for enhancing SAR images" (2011) Gomez, L.; Munteanu, C.; Jacobo-Berlles, J.; Mejail, M. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. 8(4):814-818
"A Bayesian methodology for soil parameters retrieval from SAR images" (2011) Barber, M.;Perna, P.;Bruscantinni, C. (...)Jacobo-Berlles, J. 2011 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2011:1215-1218
"Deformation of Copahue volcano: Inversion of InSAR data using a genetic algorithm" (2011) Velez, M.L.;Euillades, P.;Caselli, A. (...)Díaz, J.M. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 202(1-2):117-126
"SAR image processing using adaptive stack filter" (2010) Buemi, M.E.; Jacobo, J.; Mejail, M. Pattern Recognition Letters. 31(4):307-314
"SAR image processing using adaptive stack filter" (2010) Buemi, M.E.; Jacobo, J.; Mejail, M. Pattern Recognition Letters. 31(4):307-314
"Polarimetric SAR image segmentation with B-splines and a new statistical model" (2010) Frery, A.C.; Jacobo-Berlles, J.; Gambini, J.; Mejail, M.E. Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing. 21(4):319-342
"Polarimetric SAR image segmentation with B-splines and a new statistical model" (2010) Frery, A.C.; Jacobo-Berlles, J.; Gambini, J.; Mejail, M.E. Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing. 21(4):319-342
"SAR image segmentation using level sets and region competition under the GH model" (2009) Buemi, M.E.; Goussies, N.; Jacobo, J.; Mejail, M. 14th Iberoamerican Conference on Pattern Recognition, CIARP 2009. 5856 LNCS:153-160
"Estimating flow resistance of wetlands using SAR images and interaction models" (2009) Salvia, M.;Franco, M.;Grings, F. (...)Ferrazzoli, P. Remote Sensing. 1(4):992-1008
"Model investigation about the potential of C band SAR in herbaceous wetlands flood monitoring" (2008) Grings, F.M.;Ferrazzoli, P.;Karszenbaum, H. (...)Perna, P. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 29(17-18):5361-5372
"Improvement in SAR image classification using adaptive stack filters" (2007) Buemi, M.E.; Mejail, M.; Jacobo, J.; Gambini, J. 20th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing, SIBGRAPI 2007:263-270
"Recent results about asar observations of wetland marshes" (2007) Grings, F.M.;Karszenbaum, H.;Ferrazzoli, P. (...)Perna, P. Envisat Symposium 2007(SP-636)
"Determination of SAR system parameters constraints from a soil moisture retrieval scheme" (2006) Grings, F.M.;Tiffenberg, J.;Karszenbaum, H. (...)Jacobo-Berlles, J.C. 2006 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS:3051-3054
"Adaptive stack filters in speckled imagery" (2006) Buemi, M.E.; Mejail, M.E.; Jacobo, J.C.; Gambini, M.J. VISAPP 2006 - 1st International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications. 1:33-40
"Polarimetric SAR region boundary detection using B-spline deformable countours under the GH model" (2005) Gambini, J.; Mejail, M.E.; Jacobo-Berlles, J.; Frery, A.C. SIBGRAPI 2005: 18th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing - Conference Proceedings. 2005:197-204
"Modeling temporal evolution of junco marshes radar signatures" (2005) Grings, F.;Ferrazzoli, P.;Karszenbaum, H. (...)Jacobo-Berrles, J.C. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 43(10):2238-2244
"Identification of bed forms through ERS SAR images in San Matías Gulf, Argentina" (2005) Gagliardini, D.A.; Aliotta, S.; Dogliotti, A.I.; Clemente-Colón, P. Journal of Coastal Research. 21(1):193-201
"Identification of bed forms through ERS SAR images in San Matías Gulf, Argentina" (2005) Gagliardini, D.A.; Aliotta, S.; Dogliotti, A.I.; Clemente-Colón, P. Journal of Coastal Research. 21(1):193-201
"A SAR time series analysis toolbox for extracting fire affected areas in wetlands" (2003) Karszenbaum, H.;Tiffenberg, J.;Grings, F. (...)Pratolongo, P. 2003 IGARSS: Learning From Earth's Shapes and Colours. 6:4107-4109
"Classification of SAR images using a general and tractable multiplicative model" (2003) Mejail, M.E.; Jacobo-Berlles, J.C.; Frery, A.C.; Bustos, O.H. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 24(18):3565-3582
"Mapping wetlands using multi-temporal radarsat-1 data and a decision-based classifier" (2002) Parmuchi, M.G.; Karszenbaum, H.; Kandus, P. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing. 28(2):175-186
"Complementary use of SAR and thermal IR observations in the brazil-malvinas confluence region" (2001) Gagliardini, D.A.; Clemente-Colón, P.; Bava, J.; Frulla, L.A. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing. 27(6):643-650
"Influence of flood conditions and vegetation status on the radar backscatter of wetland ecosystems" (2001) Kandus, P.;Karszenbaum, H.;Pultz, T. (...)Bava, J. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing. 27(6):651-662
"Automatic computation of speckle standard deviation in SAR images" (2000) Frulla, L.A.; Milovich, J.A.; Gagliardini, D.A. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 21(15):2883-2899
"Classification of SAR images based on estimates of the parameters of the gA0 distribution" (1998) Chomczimsky, W.;Mejail, M.;Jacobo-Berlles, J.C. (...)Dougherty E.R. Mathematical Modeling and Estimation Techniques in Computer Vision. 3457:202-208
"The GA0 distribution model in edge-preserving parameter estimation of SAR images" (1998) Jacobo-Berlles, J.;Mejail, M.;Frery, A.C. (...)Dougherty E.R. Mathematical Modeling and Estimation Techniques in Computer Vision. 3457:209-215