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reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
"Metabolic selective pressure stabilizes plasmids carrying biosynthetic genes for reduced biochemicals in Escherichia coli redox mutants" (2010) Nikel, P.I.; Pettinari, M.J.; Galvagno, M.A.; Méndez, B.S. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 88(2):563-573
"Hexachlorobenzene as hormonal disruptor-studies about glucocorticoids: Their hepatic receptors, adrenal synthesis and plasma levels in relation to impaired gluconeogenesis" (2007) Lelli, S.M.;Ceballos, N.R.;Mazzetti, M.B. (...)San Martín de Viale, L.C. Biochemical Pharmacology. 73(6):873-879
"Isolation of a Δ7-cholesterol desaturase from Tetrahymena thermophila" (2000) Valcarce, G.; Florin-Christensen, J.; Nudel, C. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 53(5):591-595
"Production of aromatic α-hydroxyacids by epimastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi, and its possible role in NADH reoxidation" (1994) Montemartini, M.; Santomé, J.; Cazzulo, J.J.; Nowicki, C. FEMS Microbiology Letters. 118(1-2):89-92
"Aerobic fermentation of glucose by trypanosomatids" (1992) Cazzulo, J.-J. FASEB Journal. 6(13):3153-3161