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"Coastal applications from nadir altimetry: Example of the X-TRACK regional products" (2017) Birol, F.;Fuller, N.;Lyard, F. (...)Léger, F. Advances in Space Research. 59(4):936-953
"Modeling Bare Soil L-Band Polarimetric H-α Values Using a Second-Order SPM Model" (2016) Morandeira, N.S.; Franco, M.; Barber, M.; Grings, F. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. 13(3):399-403
"Precipitation nowcasting with three-dimensional space-time extrapolation of dense and frequent phased-array weather radar observations" (2016) Otsuka, S.;Tuerhong, G.;Kikuchi, R. (...)Miyoshi, T. Weather and Forecasting. 31(1):329-340
"Precipitation nowcasting with three-dimensional space-time extrapolation of dense and frequent phased-array weather radar observations" (2016) Otsuka, S.;Tuerhong, G.;Kikuchi, R. (...)Miyoshi, T. Weather and Forecasting. 31(1):329-340
"The influence of topography on vertical velocity of air in relation to severe storms near the Southern Andes Mountains" (2015) de la Torre, A.;Pessano, H.;Hierro, R. (...)Alexander, P. Atmospheric Research. 156:91-101
"L-Band Radar Soil Moisture Retrieval Without Ancillary Information" (2015) Bruscantini, C.A.;Konings, A.G.;Narvekar, P.S. (...)Karszenbaum, H. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 8(12):5526-5540
"L-Band Radar Soil Moisture Retrieval Without Ancillary Information" (2015) Bruscantini, C.A.;Konings, A.G.;Narvekar, P.S. (...)Karszenbaum, H. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 8(12):5526-5540
"L-Band Radar Soil Moisture Retrieval Without Ancillary Information" (2015) Bruscantini, C.A.;Konings, A.G.;Narvekar, P.S. (...)Karszenbaum, H. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 8(12):5526-5540
"Parameter estimation in SAR imagery using stochastic distances and asymmetric kernels" (2015) Gambini, J.; Cassetti, J.; Lucini, M.M.; Frery, A.C. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 8(1):365-375
"Effects of sublethal doses of glyphosate on honeybee navigation" (2015) Balbuena, M.S.;Tison, L.;Hahn, M.-L. (...)Farina, W.M. Journal of Experimental Biology. 218(17):2799-2805
"A novel downscaling methodology for intermediate resolution radiometer data for SMAP" (2015) Bruscantini, C.A.;Grings, F.M.;Barber, M. (...)Karszenbaum, H. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2015. 2015-November:1972-1975
"Orographic effects related to deep convection events over the Andes region" (2013) Hierro, R.;Pessano, H.;Llamedo, P. (...)Odiard, A. Atmospheric Research. 120-121:216-225
"Severe hailstorms near Southern Andes in the presence of mountain waves" (2011) de la Torre, A.;Hierro, R.;Llamedo, P. (...)Alexander, P. Atmospheric Research. 101(1-2):112-123
"Deformation of Copahue volcano: Inversion of InSAR data using a genetic algorithm" (2011) Velez, M.L.;Euillades, P.;Caselli, A. (...)Díaz, J.M. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 202(1-2):117-126
"SAR image processing using adaptive stack filter" (2010) Buemi, M.E.; Jacobo, J.; Mejail, M. Pattern Recognition Letters. 31(4):307-314
"Polarimetric SAR image segmentation with B-splines and a new statistical model" (2010) Frery, A.C.; Jacobo-Berlles, J.; Gambini, J.; Mejail, M.E. Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing. 21(4):319-342
"Exploring the capacity of radar remote sensing to estimate wetland marshes water storage" (2009) Grings, F.;Salvia, M.;Karszenbaum, H. (...)Perna, P. Journal of Environmental Management. 90(7):2189-2198
"Exploring the capacity of radar remote sensing to estimate wetland marshes water storage" (2009) Grings, F.;Salvia, M.;Karszenbaum, H. (...)Perna, P. Journal of Environmental Management. 90(7):2189-2198
"Improvement in SAR image classification using adaptive stack filters" (2007) Buemi, M.E.; Mejail, M.; Jacobo, J.; Gambini, J. 20th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing, SIBGRAPI 2007:263-270
"Monitoring flood condition in marshes using em models and envisat ASAR observations" (2006) Grings, F.M.;Ferrazzoli, P.;Jacobo-Berlles, J.C. (...)Kandus, P. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 44(4):936-941
"Monitoring flood condition in marshes using em models and envisat ASAR observations" (2006) Grings, F.M.;Ferrazzoli, P.;Jacobo-Berlles, J.C. (...)Kandus, P. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 44(4):936-941
"Adaptive stack filters in speckled imagery" (2006) Buemi, M.E.; Mejail, M.E.; Jacobo, J.C.; Gambini, M.J. VISAPP 2006 - 1st International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications. 1:33-40
"Shape resonances in nested diffraction gratings" (2005) Fantino, A.N.; Grosz, S.I.; Skigin, D.C. Optik. 116(1):22-30
"Modeling temporal evolution of junco marshes radar signatures" (2005) Grings, F.;Ferrazzoli, P.;Karszenbaum, H. (...)Jacobo-Berrles, J.C. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 43(10):2238-2244
"A deep convection event above the Tunuyán Valley near the Andes Mountains" (2004) de la Torre, A.; Daniel, V.; Tailleux, R.; Teitelbaum, H. Monthly Weather Review. 132(9):2259-2267
"Influence of flood conditions and vegetation status on the radar backscatter of wetland ecosystems" (2001) Kandus, P.;Karszenbaum, H.;Pultz, T. (...)Bava, J. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing. 27(6):651-662
"ERS-2, RADARSAT SAR backscattering characteristics of the Parana River Delta Wetland, Argentina" (2000) Karszenbaum, H.;Kandus, P.;Martinez, J.M. (...)Parmuchi, G. ERS-Envisat Symposium 'Looking Down to Earth in the New Millennium'(461):1478-1487
"Large amplitude waves detected with balloons near the Andes mountains" (1996) De La Torr, A.; Alexander, P.; Giraldez, A. Geophysical Research Letters. 23(10):1103-1106