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Partial differential equations
"Dynamics of partially thermalized solutions of the Burgers equation" (2018) Clark Di Leoni, P.; Mininni, P.D.; Brachet, M.E. Physical Review Fluids. 3(1)
"Metastability for small random perturbations of a PDE with blow-up" (2018) Groisman, P.; Saglietti, S.; Saintier, N. Stochastic Processes and their Applications. 128(5):1558-1589
"Nonlocal diffusion problems that approximate a parabolic equation with spatial dependence" (2016) Molino, A.; Rossi, J.D. Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik. 67(3)
"Asymptotic behavior for a one-dimensional nonlocal diffusion equation in exterior domains" (2016) Cortazar, C.; Elgueta, M.; Quiros, F.; Wolanski, N. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis. 48(3):1549-1574
"A unified analytical solution of the steady-state atmospheric diffusion equation" (2012) Pérez Guerrero, J.S.;Pimentel, L.C.G.;Oliveira-Júnior, J.F. (...)Ulke, A.G. Atmospheric Environment. 55:201-212
"Numerical approximations for a nonlocal evolution equation" (2011) Pérez-Llanos, M.; Rossi, J.D. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis. 49(5):2103-2123
"Modeling water uptake in a cereal grain during soaking" (2010) Bello, M.; Tolaba, M.P.; Aguerre, R.J.; Suarez, C. Journal of Food Engineering. 97(1):95-100
"Time-space white noise eliminates global solutions in reaction-diffusion equations" (2009) Fernández Bonder, J.; Groisman, P. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena. 238(2):209-215
"Segmentation of cells from 3-D confocal images of live zebrafish embryo" (2007) Zanella, C.;Rizzi, B.;Melani, C. (...)Sarti, A. 29th Annual International Conference of IEEE-EMBS, Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBC'07:6027-6030
"A quasilinearization method for elliptic problems with a nonlinear boundary condition" (2007) Amster, P.; De Nápoli, P. Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications. 66(10):2255-2263
"Error estimates for anisotropic finite elements and applications" (2006) Durán, R.G. 25th International Congress of Mathematicians, ICM 2006. 3:1181-1200
"Numeric vs. symbolic homotopy algorithms in polynomial system solving: A case study" (2005) De Leo, M.; Dratman, E.; Matera, G. Festschrift for the 70th Birthday of Arnold Schonhage. 21(4):502-531
"MHD simulations and astrophysical applications" (2005) Gómez, D.O.; Mininni, P.D.; Dmitruk, P. Fundamentals of Space Environment Science. 35(5):899-907
"Probing universality classes in solid-on-solid deposition" (2004) Castez, M.F.; Salvarezza, R.C.; Solari, H.G. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 70(1 1):011605-1-011605-10
"Planar configurations of lattice vectors and GKZ-rational toric fourfolds in ℙ6" (2004) Cattani, E.; Dickenstein, A. Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics. 19(1):47-65
"The Computational Complexity of the Chow Form" (2004) Jeronimo, G.; Krick, T.; Sabia, J.; Sombra, M. Foundations of Computational Mathematics. 4(1):41-117
"Segmentation with active contours: A comparative study of B-Spline and Level Set techniques" (2004) Wassermann, D.; Mejail, M.E.; Gambini, J.; Buemi, M.E. Proceedings - XVII Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing, SIBGRAPI 2004. And II Ibero-American Symposium on Computer Graphics, SIACG 2004:98-105
"Models for continous and hybrid system simulation" (2003) D'Abreu, M.C.;Wainer, G.A.;Chick S.E. (...)Morrice D.J. Proceedings of the 2003 Winter Simulation Conference: Driving Innovation. 1:641-649
"Sensitivity computations of the viscous kinematic wave using perturbative methods" (2003) Fraidenraich, A.; Jacovkis, P.M.; De Andrade Lima, F.R. International Journal of Heat and Technology. 21(1):85-92
"Magnetohydrodynamic flows of conducting liquids in divergent-convergent channels" (2003) Gnavi, G.; Gratton, F.T. International Journal of Heat and Technology. 21(1):99-107
"Short time behavior near the boundary for the heat equation with a nonlinear boundary condition" (2002) Cortazar, C.; Elgueta, M.; Rossi, J.D. Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications. 50(2):205-213
"A class of optimized row projection methods for solving large nonsymmetric linear systems" (2002) Scolnik, H.; Echebest, N.; Guardarucci, M.T.; Vacchino, M.C. Applied Numerical Mathematics. 41(4):499-513
"Slow time evolution of two-time-scale reaction-diffusion systems: The physical origin of nondiffusive transport" (2002) Strier, D.E.; Chernomoretz, A.; Dawson, S.P. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 65(4):046233-1-046233-14
"Numerical evaluation of Appell's F1 hypergeometric function" (2001) Colavecchia, F.D.; Gasaneo, G.; Miraglia, J.E. Computer Physics Communications. 138(1):29-43
"Pressure dependence of ionic polarizabilities in crystals" (2001) Carolina Monard, M.; Bruno, J.A.O.; Faour, J.; Batana, A. Computers and Chemistry. 25(5):429-438
"Uniqueness and non-uniqueness for a system of heat equations with nonlinear coupling at the boundary" (1999) Cortazar, C.; Elgueta, M.; Rossi, J.D. Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications. 37(2):257-267
"Multivariable hypergeometric solutions for three charged particles" (1997) Gasaneo, G.;Colavecchia, F.D.;Garibotti, C.R. (...)Macri, P. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 30(9):L265-L271
"Braids on the poincaré section: A laser example" (1996) Solari, H.G.; Natiello, M.A.; Vázquez, M. Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics. 54(4):3185-3195
"Simulation and transport phenomena of a ternary two-phase flow" (1994) Porcelli, P.C.; Bidner, M.S. Transport in Porous Media. 14(2):101-122