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Palmitic Acids
"Regulation of CDPK isoforms during tuber development" (2003) Raíces, M.;Gargantini, P.R.;Chinchilla, D. (...)Ulloa, R.M. Plant Molecular Biology. 52(5):1011-1024
"Characterization of inositolphospholipids in Tryparzosoma cruzi trypmastigote forms" (1996) Uhrig, M.L.; Couto, A.S.; Colli, W.; De Lederkremer, R.M. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Lipids and Lipid Metabolism. 1300(3):233-239
"The glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor of the trypomastigote‐specific Tc‐85 glycoprotein from Trypanosoma cruzi Metabolic‐labeling and structural studies" (1993) COUTO, A.S.; DE LEDERKREMER, R.M.; COLLI, W.; ALVES, M.J.M. European Journal of Biochemistry. 217(2):597-602
"Metabolic labelling and partial characterisation of a sulfoglycolipid in Trypanosoma cruzi trypomastigotes" (1992) Uhrig, M.L.;Couto, A.S.;de Lederkremer, R.M. (...)Colli, W. Carbohydrate Research. 231(C):329-334
"Trypanosoma cruzi's incorporation of [3H]-palmitic acid and [3H] -galactose into components shed by trypomastigotes" (1991) Couto, A.S.;Uhrig, M.L.;Agusti, R. (...)De Lederkremer, R.M. Biochemistry International. 24(6):991-1002
"Trypanosoma cruzi: metabolic labeling of trypomastigote sialoglycolipids" (1985) Couto, A.S.; Zingales, B.; De Lederkremer, R.M.; Colli, W. Experientia. 41(6):736-738