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"Classification of melanoma images with fisher vectors and deep learning" (2019) Liberman, G.;Acevedo, D.;Mejail, M. (...)Morales A. 23rd Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition, CIARP 2018. 11401 LNCS:732-739
"Glyco-nano-oncology: Novel therapeutic opportunities by combining small and sweet" (2016) Hockl, P.F.;Wolosiuk, A.;Pérez-Sáez, J.M. (...)Rabinovich, G.A. Pharmacological Research. 109:45-54
"c-Jun regulates phosphoinositide-dependent kinase 1 transcription: Implication for Akt and protein kinase C activities melanoma tumorigenesis" (2010) Lopez-Bergami, P.;Kim, H.;Dewing, A. (...)Ronai, Z. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 285(2):903-913
"Tracking protein electrodenaturation fronts in the electrochemical treatment of tumors" (2010) Olaiz, N.;Suárez, C.;Risk, M. (...)Marshall, G. Electrochemistry Communications. 12(1):94-97
"pH front tracking in the electrochemical treatment (EChT) of tumors: Experiments and simulations" (2009) Turjanski, P.;Olaiz, N.;Abou-Adal, P. (...)Marshall, G. Electrochimica Acta. 54(26):6199-6206