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nerve cell membrane potential
"Enhanced GABA Transmission Drives Bradykinesia Following Loss of Dopamine D2 Receptor Signaling" (2016) Lemos, J.C.;Friend, D.M.;Kaplan, A.R. (...)Alvarez, V.A. Neuron. 90(4):824-838
"Computation of object approach by a system of visual motion-sensitive neurons in the crab Neohelice" (2014) Oliva, D.; Tomsic, D. Journal of Neurophysiology. 112(6):1477-1490
"Recurrent inhibition in motor systems, a comparative analysis" (2014) Szczupak, L. Journal of Physiology Paris. 108(2-3):148-154
"Nonassociative plasticity alters competitive interactions among mixture components in early olfactory processing" (2013) Locatelli, F.F.;Fernandez, P.C.;Villareal, F. (...)Smith, B.H. European Journal of Neuroscience. 37(1):63-79
"Muscarinic modulation of high frequency oscillations in pedunculopontine neurons" (2013) Kezunovic, N.;Hyde, J.;Goitia, B. (...)Garcia-Rill, E. Frontiers in Neurology. 4 NOV
"Hormonal acceleration of song development illuminates motor control mechanism in canaries" (2010) Alliende, J.A.; Méndez, J.M.; Goller, F.; Mindlin, G.B. Developmental Neurobiology. 70(14):943-960
"In situ characterization of a rectifying electrical junction" (2007) Rela, L.; Szczupak, L. Journal of Neurophysiology. 97(2):1405-1412