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Light transmission
"Enhanced spin Hall effect of light by transmission in a polymer" (2018) Takayama, O.; Puentes, G. Optics Letters. 43(6):1343-1346
"Osmotic dehydration of apple: Influence of sugar and water activity on tissue structure, rheological properties and water mobility" (2013) Nieto, A.B.;Vicente, S.;Hodara, K. (...)Alzamora, S.M. Journal of Food Engineering. 119(1):104-114
"Relationships between rheological properties, texture and structure of apple (Granny Smith var.) affected by blanching and/or osmotic dehydration" (2013) Garcia Loredo, A.B.; Guerrero, S.N.; Gomez, P.L.; Alzamora, S.M. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 6(2):475-488
"Changes in Structure, Rheology, and Water Mobility of Apple Tissue Induced by Osmotic Dehydration with Glucose or Trehalose" (2012) Vicente, S.;Nieto, A.B.;Hodara, K. (...)Alzamora, S.M. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 5(8):3075-3089
"Photomodulation of macroscopic properties" (2011) Bossi, M.L.; Aramendía, P.F. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews. 12(3):154-166
"Two-zone pupil filters" (2008) Sheppard, C.J.R.; Campos, J.; Escalera, J.C.; Ledesma, S. Optics Communications. 281(5):913-922
"Resonant Raman spectroscopy of PAH-Os self-assembled multilayers" (2004) Tognalli, N.; Fainstein, A.; Bonazzola, C.; Calvo, E. Journal of Chemical Physics. 120(4):1905-1911
"Optimization of liquid crystal displays behavior in optical image processing and in diffractive optics" (2001) Campos, J.;Márquez, A.;Nicolás, J. (...)Vallmitjana S. Optoelectronic Information Processing: Optics for Information Systems. 81 CR:335-364
"Optimization of liquid crystal displays behavior in optical image processing and in diffractive optics" (2001) Campos, J.;Márquez, A.;Nicolás, J. (...)Vallmitjana S. Optoelectronic Information Processing: Optics for Information Systems. 81 CR:335-364
"Displacement of the refracted wave in presence of inhibited reflection" (2000) Vanney, C.E. Journal of Modern Optics. 47(4):685-700
"Programmable axial apodizing and hyperresolving amplitude filters with a liquid-crystal spatial light modulator" (1999) Davis, J.A.;Escalera, J.C.;Campos, J. (...)Iemmi, C. Optics Letters. 24(9):628-630
"Modal method for scattering by arbitrarily shaped multivalued surfaces" (1998) Skigin, D.C.; Depine, R.A. Journal of Modern Optics. 45(9):1821-1843
"Lateral displacement of a beam incident from a uniaxial medium onto a metal" (1997) Bonomo, N.E.; Gigli, M.L.; Depine, R.A. Journal of Modern Optics. 44(7):1393-1408
"Magnetic effects on the reflection of electromagnetic waves at isotropic-uniaxial interfaces" (1994) Depine, R.A.; Fantino, A.N.; Gigli, M.L.; Inchaussandague, M.E. Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision. 11(2):745-753