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Food Preservatives
"Alginate utility in edible and non edible film development and the influence of its macromolecular structure in the antioxidant activity of a pharmaceutical/food interface" (2015) De'Nobili, M.D.;Curto, L.M.;Delfino, J.M. (...)Rojas, A.M. Alginic Acid: Chemical Structure, Uses and Health Benefits:119-169
"Postharvest control of peanut Aspergillus section Flavi populations by a formulation of food-grade antioxidants" (2009) Passone, M.A.;Ruffino, M.;Ponzio, V. (...)Etcheverry, M.G. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 131(2-3):211-217
"Antimicrobial performance of potassium sorbate supported in tapioca starch edible films" (2007) Flores, S.; Haedo, A.S.; Campos, C.; Gerschenson, L. European Food Research and Technology. 225(3-4):375-384
"In vitro effect of phenolic antioxidants on germination, growth and aflatoxin B1 accumulation by peanut Aspergillus section Flavi" (2005) Passone, M.A.; Resnik, S.L.; Etcheverry, M.G. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 99(3):682-691
"Aspergillus flavus dose-response curves to selected natural and synthetic antimicrobials" (2002) López-Malo, A.; Alzamora, S.M.; Palou, E. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 73(2-3):213-218
"Inhibitory action of potassium sorbate degradation products against Staphylococcus aureus growth in laboratory media" (2000) Campos, C.A.; Alzamora, S.M.; Gerschenson, L.N. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 54(1-2):117-122
"Inhibition of growth of Staphylococcus aureus by potassium sorbate, pH and water activity in experimental conditions" (1988) Giannuzzi, L.; Parada, J.L. Revista Latinoamericana de Microbiologia. 30(1):19-23