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Estrous Cycle
"Selective disruption of dopamine D2 receptors in pituitary lactotropes increases body weight and adiposity in female mice" (2014) Millan, M.I.P.;Luque, G.M.;Ramirez, M.C. (...)Becu-Villalobos, D. Endocrinology. 155(3):829-839
"Both orexin receptors are expressed in rat ovaries and fluctuate with the estrous cycle: Effects of orexin receptor antagonists on gonadotropins and ovulation" (2007) Silveyra, P.; Lux-Lantos, V.; Libertun, C. American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology and Metabolism. 293(4):E977-E985
"Gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonist antide inhibits apoptosis of preovulatory follicle cells in rat ovary" (2005) Parborell, F.;Irusta, G.;Vitale, A. (...)Tesone, M. Biology of Reproduction. 72(3):659-666
"Effects of molybdenosis on luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating and estradiol hormones in rats " (1996) Igarza, L.; Agostini, M.; Becú-Villalobos, D.; Auza, N. Archivos de Medicina Veterinaria. 28(1):101-106