Lista de

Different solvents
"The correct assessment of standard potentials of reference electrodes in non-aqueous solution" (2017) Mozhzhukhina, N.; Calvo, E.J. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 164(12):A2295-A2297
"Surface Study of Lithium-Air Battery Oxygen Cathodes in Different Solvent-Electrolyte pairs" (2015) Marchini, F.;Herrera, S.;Torres, W. (...)Calvo, E.J. Langmuir. 31(33):9236-9245
"Gold and silver anchored cobalt porphyrins used for catalytic water splitting" (2015) Morales Vásquez, M.A.; Suárez, S.A.; Doctorovich, F. Materials Chemistry and Physics. 159:159-166
"Interconversion study in 1,4-substituted six-membered cyclohexane-type rings. structure and dynamics of trans -1,4-dibromo-1,4-dicyanocyclohexane" (2011) Bain, A.D.;Baron, M.;Burger, S.K. (...)Rodríguez, M.B. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 115(33):9207-9216
"Confined Polar Mixtures within Cylindrical Nanocavities" (2010) Rodriguez, J.; Elola, M.D.; Laria, D. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 114(23):7900-7908
"Surface modification of muitiwalled carbon nanotubes via esterification using a biodegradable polyol" (2009) D'Arlas, B.F.;Goyanes, S.;Rubiolo, G.H. (...)Eceiza, A. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 9(10):6064-6071