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defense mechanism
"Escape response of the crab Neohelice to computer generated looming and translational visual danger stimuli" (2014) Scarano, F.; Tomsic, D. Journal of Physiology Paris. 108(2-3):141-147
"The "nesting phase": Process or non-process in the psychoanalytic work?" (2008) Bichi, E.L. Psychoanalytic Review. 95(2):311-324
"Ligand-induced dynamical regulation of NO conversion in Mycobacterium tuberculosis truncated hemoglobin-N" (2006) Bidon-Chanal, A.;Martí, M.A.;Crespo, A. (...)Estrin, D.A. Proteins: Structure, Function and Genetics. 64(2):457-464
"16-hydroxylated withanolides from Exodeconus maritimus" (1997) Gil, R.R.;Misico, R.I.;Sotes, I.R. (...)Burton, G. Journal of Natural Products. 60(6):568-572
"Vicissitudes of partial instincts " (1981) Saludjian, D. Revista de Psicoanalisis. 38(1):89-103