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brain depth stimulation
"Retrieval under stress decreases the long-term expression of a human declarative memory via reconsolidation" (2017) Larrosa, P.N.F.;Ojea, A.;Ojea, I. (...)Delorenzi, A. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 142:135-145
"The role of GABAA in the expression of updated information through the reconsolidation process in humans" (2017) Fernández, R.S.;Moyano, M.D.;Radloff, M. (...)Forcato, C. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 142:146-153
"Implications of gamma band activity in the pedunculopontine nucleus" (2016) Garcia-Rill, E.;Luster, B.;D’Onofrio, S. (...)Urbano, F.J. Journal of Neural Transmission. 123(7):655-665
"Pedunculopontine arousal system physiology - Deep brain stimulation (DBS)" (2015) Garcia-Rill, E.;Luster, B.;D'Onofrio, S. (...)Urbano, F.J. Sleep Science. 8(3):153-161
"The physiology of the pedunculopontine nucleus: implications for deep brain stimulation" (2015) Garcia-Rill, E.;Hyde, J.;Kezunovic, N. (...)Petersen, E. Journal of Neural Transmission. 122(2):225-235
"Delayed intracerebral electrode infection after bilateral STN implantation for parkinson's disease" (2001) Merello, M.; Cammarota, A.; Leiguarda, R.; Pikielny, R. Movement Disorders. 16(1):168-170
"Bilateral pallidotomy for treatment of Parkinson's disease induced corticobulbar syndrome and psychic akinesia avoidable by globus pallidus lesion combined with contralateral stimulation" (2001) Merello, M.;Starkstein, S.;Nouzeilles, M.I. (...)Leiguarda, R. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry. 71(5):611-614