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"Minutosides A and B, antifungal sulfated steroid xylosides from the patagonian starfish Anasterias minuta" (2005) Chludil, H.D.; Maier, M.S. Journal of Natural Products. 68(8):1279-1283
"Cytogenetic analysis of four argentinean populations of Artemia (Crustacea Branchipoda: Anostraca)" (2004) Lipko, P.; Papeschi, A.G.; Cohen, R.G. Caryologia. 57(3):283-289
"Further evidence and characterization of Artemia franciscana (Kellogg, 1906) populations in Argentina" (2004) Amat, F.; Cohen, R.G.; Hontoria, F.; Navarro, J.C. Journal of Biogeography. 31(11):1735-1749
"Lipid, fatty acid and protein utilization during lecithotrophic larval development of Lithodes santolla (Molina) and Paralomis granulosa (Jacquinot)" (2003) Kattner, G.;Graeve, M.;Calcagno, J.A. (...)Anger, K. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 292(1):61-74
"ent-Kaur-16-en-19-oic acid, a KB cells cytotoxic diterpenoid from Elaeoselinum foetidum" (2002) Mongelli, E.;Pomilio, A.B.;Bustamante Sánchez, J. (...)Martínez Massanet, G. Phytotherapy Research. 16(4):387-388
"Cytogenetic proof that the brine shrimp Artemia franciscana (Crustacea, Branchiopoda) is found in Argentina" (2000) Papeschi, A.G.; Cohen, R.G.; Pastorino, X.I.; Amat, F. Hereditas. 133(2):159-166
"The post-embryonic development of Artemia persimilis Piccinelli and Prosdocimi" (1998) Cohen, R.G.; Gil, S.G.R.; Vélez, C.G. Hydrobiologia. 391:63-80
"Concerning the identity of Branchinecta santacrucensis César, 1987" (1995) Cohen, R.G. Hydrobiologia. 298(1-3):239-240