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Associative learning
"Retrieval under stress decreases the long-term expression of a human declarative memory via reconsolidation" (2017) Larrosa, P.N.F.;Ojea, A.;Ojea, I. (...)Delorenzi, A. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 142:135-145
"Insulin effects on honeybee appetitive behaviour" (2016) Goñalons, C.M.; Guiraud, M.; De Brito Sanchez, M.G.; Farina, W.M. Journal of Experimental Biology. 219(19):3003-3008
"Effects of field-realistic doses of glyphosate on honeybee appetitive behaviour" (2014) Herbert, L.T.; Vázquez, D.E.; Arenas, A.; Farina, W.M. Journal of Experimental Biology. 217(19):3457-3464
"The involvement of the GABAergic system in the formation and expression of the extinction memory in the crab Neohelice granulata" (2013) Tano, M.C.; Molina, V.A.; Pedreira, M.E. European Journal of Neuroscience. 38(9):3302-3313
"The involvement of the GABAergic system in the formation and expression of the extinction memory in the crab Neohelice granulata" (2013) Tano, M.C.; Molina, V.A.; Pedreira, M.E. European Journal of Neuroscience. 38(9):3302-3313
"Standard methods for behavioural studies of Apis mellifera" (2013) Scheiner, R.;Abramson, C.I.;Brodschneider, R. (...)Thenius, R. Journal of Apicultural Research. 52(4)
"Behavioral and neural plasticity caused by early social experiences: The case of the honeybee" (2013) Arenas, A.; Ramírez, G.P.; Balbuena, M.S.; Farina, W.M. Frontiers in Physiology. 4 AUG
"Early olfactory experience induces structural changes in the primary olfactory center of an insect brain" (2012) Arenas, A.;Giurfa, M.;Sandoz, J.C. (...)Farina, W.M. European Journal of Neuroscience. 35(5):682-690
"Olfactory learning in the stingless bee Tetragonisca angustula (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Meliponini)" (2010) Mc Cabe, S.I.M.; Farina, W.M. Journal of Comparative Physiology A: Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology. 196(7):481-490
"Volatile exposure within the honeybee hive and its effect on olfactory discrimination" (2009) Fernández, V.M.; Arenas, A.; Farina, W.M. Journal of Comparative Physiology A: Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology. 195(8):759-768
"Odor information transfer in the stingless bee Melipona quadrifasciata: Effect of in-hive experiences on classical conditioning of proboscis extension" (2009) McCabe, S.I.; Farina, W.M. Journal of Comparative Physiology A: Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology. 195(2):113-122
"Early olfactory experience modifies neural activity in the antennal lobe of a social insect at the adult stage" (2009) Arenas, A.; Giurfa, M.; Farina, W.M.; Sandoz, J.C. European Journal of Neuroscience. 30(8):1498-1508
"Age and rearing environment interact in the retention of early olfactory memories in honeybees" (2008) Arenas, A.; Farina, W.M. Journal of Comparative Physiology A: Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology. 194(7):629-640
"Does pollen function as a reward for honeybees in associative learning?" (2008) Grüter, C.; Arenas, A.; Farina, W.M. Insectes Sociaux. 55(4):425-427
"Odor discrimination in classical conditioning of proboscis extension in two stingless bee species in comparison to Africanized honeybees" (2007) Mc Cabe, S.I.; Hartfelder, K.; Santana, W.C.; Farina, W.M. Journal of Comparative Physiology A: Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology. 193(11):1089-1099
"Floral odor learning within the hive affects honeybees' foraging decisions" (2007) Arenas, A.; Fernández, V.M.; Farina, W.M. Naturwissenschaften. 94(3):218-222
"Dopamine D2R DNA transfer in dopamine D2 receptor-deficient mice: Effects on ethanol drinking" (2005) Thanos, P.K.;Rivera, S.N.;Weaver, K. (...)Volkow, N.D. Life Sciences. 77(2):130-139
"Olfactory learning by means of trophallaxis in Apis mellifera" (2005) Gil, M.; De Marco, R.J. Journal of Experimental Biology. 208(4):671-680
"Behavioural mechanisms underlaying food aversion in guinea pigs" (2001) Lichtenstein, G.; Cassini, M.H. Etologia. 9:29-34