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vomeronasal organ
"A putative functional vomeronasal system in anuran tadpoles" (2012) Jungblut, L.D.; Pozzi, A.G.; Paz, D.A. Journal of Anatomy. 221(4):364-372
"A putative functional vomeronasal system in anuran tadpoles" (2012) Jungblut, L.D.; Pozzi, A.G.; Paz, D.A. Journal of Anatomy. 221(4):364-372
"A putative functional vomeronasal system in anuran tadpoles" (2012) Jungblut, L.D.; Pozzi, A.G.; Paz, D.A. Journal of Anatomy. 221(4):364-372
"Heterogeneous distribution of G protein alpha subunits in the main olfactory and vomeronasal systems of Rhinella (Bufo) arenarum tadpoles." (2009) Jungblut, L.D.; Paz, D.A.; López-Costa, J.J.; Pozzi, A.G. Zoological science. 26(10):722-728
"Heterogeneous distribution of G protein alpha subunits in the main olfactory and vomeronasal systems of Rhinella (Bufo) arenarum tadpoles." (2009) Jungblut, L.D.; Paz, D.A.; López-Costa, J.J.; Pozzi, A.G. Zoological science. 26(10):722-728
"Characterisation of glycoconjugate sugar residues in the vomeronasal organ of the armadillo Chaetophractus villosus (Mammalia, xenarthra)" (2000) Carmanchahi, P.D.;Ferrari, C.C.;Aldana Marcos, H.J. (...)Paz, D.A. Journal of Anatomy. 196(3):357-370
"Characterisation of glycoconjugate sugar residues in the vomeronasal organ of the armadillo Chaetophractus villosus (Mammalia, xenarthra)" (2000) Carmanchahi, P.D.;Ferrari, C.C.;Aldana Marcos, H.J. (...)Paz, D.A. Journal of Anatomy. 196(3):357-370
"Characterisation of glycoconjugate sugar residues in the vomeronasal organ of the armadillo Chaetophractus villosus (Mammalia, xenarthra)" (2000) Carmanchahi, P.D.;Ferrari, C.C.;Aldana Marcos, H.J. (...)Paz, D.A. Journal of Anatomy. 196(3):357-370
"The vomeronasal organ of the South American armadillo Chaetophractus villosus (Xenarthra, Mammalia): Anatomy, histology and ultrastructure" (1999) Carmanchahi, P.D.; Aldana Marcos, H.J.; Ferrari, C.C.; Affanni, J.M. Journal of Anatomy. 195(4):587-604
"The vomeronasal organ of the South American armadillo Chaetophractus villosus (Xenarthra, Mammalia): Anatomy, histology and ultrastructure" (1999) Carmanchahi, P.D.; Aldana Marcos, H.J.; Ferrari, C.C.; Affanni, J.M. Journal of Anatomy. 195(4):587-604