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Synchrotron radiation
"Physicochemical properties of nanostructured Pd/lanthanide-doped ceria spheres with high catalytic activity for CH4 combustion" (2018) Fuentes, R.O.;Acuña, L.M.;Leyva, A.G. (...)Delgado-Jaén, J.J. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 6(17):7488-7499
"Modeling the shock-cloud interaction in SN 1006: Unveiling the origin of nonthermal X-ray and γ-ray emission" (2016) Miceli, M.;Orlando, S.;Pereira, V. (...)Dubner, G. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 593
"Polymorphic behavior and industrial applications as Trans fat alternatives of two stearins coming from a new sunflower oil variety" (2015) de Oca-Ávalos, J.M.M.;Huck-Iriart, C.;Rincón-Cardona, J.A. (...)Herrera, M.L. Agricultural Research Updates. 11:85-115
"Effect of Cooling Rate and Temperature Cycles on Polymorphic Behavior of Sunflower Oil Stearins for Applications as Trans-fat Alternatives in Foods" (2015) Herrera, M.L.;Rodríguez-Batiller, M.J.;Rincón-Cardona, J.A. (...)Candal, R.J. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 8(8):1779-1790
"Temperature-Dependent Reactions of Phthalic Acid on Ag(100)" (2015) Franke, M.;Marchini, F.;Zhang, L. (...)Lytken, O. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 119(41):23580-23585
"In situ synchrotron radiation X-ray scattering study on the effect of a stearic sucrose ester on polymorphic behavior of a new sunflower oil variety" (2014) Rincón-Cardona, J.A.;Agudelo-Laverde, L.M.;Martini, S. (...)Herrera, M.L. Food Research International. 64:9-17
"XMM-Newton observations of the supernova remnant RX J1713.7-3946 and its central source" (2004) Cassam-Chenaï, G.;Decourchelle, A.;Ballet, J. (...)Giacani, E. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 427(1):199-216
"The neutral gas environment of the young supernova remnant SN 1006 (G327.6+14.6)" (2002) Dubner, G.M.;Giacani, E.B.;Goss, W.M. (...)Nyman, L.-Å. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 387(3):1047-1056