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respiration control
"Temperature Induced Syllable Breaking Unveils Nonlinearly Interacting Timescales in Birdsong Motor Pathway" (2013) Goldin, M.A.;Alonso, L.M.;Alliende, J.A. (...)Mindlin, G.B. PLoS ONE. 8(6)
"Hexachlorobenzene treatment on hepatic mitochondrial function parameters and intracellular coproporphyrinogen oxidase location" (2008) Sopena, Y.E.; Ferramola De Sancovich, A.M.; Sancovich, H.A. International Journal of Toxicology. 27(6):455-465
"ArcA redox mutants as a source of reduced bioproducts" (2008) Pettinari, M.J.; Nikel, P.I.; Ruiz, J.A.; Méndez, B.S. Journal of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology. 15(1):41-47
"Physiological response to emersion in the amphibious crab Chasmagnathus granulata Dana (Decapoda Grapsidae): Biochemical and ventilatory adaptations" (1998) Luquet, C.M.;Cervino, C.O.;Ansaldo, M. (...)Dezi, R.E. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - A Molecular and Integrative Physiology. 121(4):385-393