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Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors
"Modulation of GABA release from the thalamic reticular nucleus by cocaine and caffeine: Role of serotonin receptors" (2016) Goitia, B.;Rivero-Echeto, M.C.;Weisstaub, N.V. (...)Urbano, F.J. Journal of Neurochemistry. 136(3):526-535
"TcrPDEA1, a cAMP-specific phosphodiesterase with atypical pharmacological properties from Trypanosoma cruzi" (2007) Alonso, G.D.; Schoijet, A.C.; Torres, H.N.; Flawiá, M.M. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology. 152(1):72-79
"TcPDE4, a novel membrane-associated cAMP-specific phosphodiesterase from Trypanosoma cruzi" (2006) Alonso, G.D.; Schoijet, A.C.; Torres, H.N.; Flawiá, M.M. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology. 145(1):40-49
"Dolichyl‐Phosphate Phosphatase and Dolichyl‐Diphosphate Phosphatase in Rat‐Liver Microsomes" (1982) BELOCOPITOW, E.; BOSCOBOINIK, D. European Journal of Biochemistry. 125(1):167-173