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"Eryptosis is induced by hyperthermia in hereditary spherocytosis red blood cells" (2016) Crisp, R.L.;Vota, D.M.;Donato, H. (...)Nesse, A.B. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine. 54(5):e165-e168
"Differential Erythropoietin Action upon Cells Induced to Eryptosis by Different Agents" (2013) Vota, D.M.;Maltaneri, R.E.;Wenker, S.D. (...)Vittori, D.C. Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics. 65(2):145-157
"Probing the interaction between vesicular stomatitis virus and phosphatidylserine" (2006) Carneiro, F.A.;Lapido-Loureiro, P.A.;Cordo, S.M. (...)Da Poian, A.T. European Biophysics Journal. 35(2):145-154
"Phospholipid alterations elicited by hexachlorobenzene in rat brain are strain-dependent and porphyria-independent" (2001) Cochón, A.C.; San Martín De Viale, L.C.; Billi De Catabbi, S.C. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - C Toxicology and Pharmacology. 130(2):199-207
"Protein kinase C in Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigote forms: partial purification and characterization" (1989) Gomez, M.L.;Erijman, L.;Arauzo, S. (...)Tellez-Inon, M.T. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology. 36(2):101-108