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Organic residues
"Organic residue analyses of late holocene ceramic technology in Central-West Santa Cruz, Argentina " (2018) Chaile, C.;Lantos, I.;Maier, M. (...)Tessone, A. Intersecciones en Antropologia. 19(2):133-143
"Exploring the culinary uses of Santa María and Belén painted vessels from the Late Intermediate Period in Catamarca, Argentina" (2018) Lantos, I.;Palamarczuk, V.;Orgaz, M. (...)Maier, M. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 18:660-667
"δ13C and δ15N in organic residues of Patagonia pottery. Implications for studies of diet and subsistence strategies among late Holocene hunter-gatherers" (2018) Chaile, C.;Tessone, A.;Cassiodoro, G. (...)Belardi, J.B. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 20:47-56
"Preliminary molecular evidence of feasting in the Inca site of Fuerte Quemado-Intihuatana, Catamarca, Argentina" (2017) Lantos, I.; Orgaz, M.; Panarello, H.O.; Maier, M.S. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 14:580-590